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Unknown organ+orchestra work

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)

I've been trying to figure out the title/composer of this work for many years. I thought I might ask around in hopes that someone here knows it. Please post if you do!

Hi i_weidinger !

Exellent link, beautiful music, great puzzle...:confused:

I do not know the work but the style of orchestration for the orchestra has a strong ressemblence to P.I.Tchaikovsy's music...very strong...from the strings arrangements to the horns....also the themes are close to his genius. I do not know if he ever wrote something like this one...

On the other hand.. we must ask jDude where did he find this recording, is it from old tapes ? old LP without cover or label? TV broadcast ? an old movie maybe ? The piece stops suddently without finale...:crazy:

I have a feeling this is from a Russian composer before the Red October...



Admiral of Fugues
Doesn't sound Russian to me at all, rather French or English, but that's just my ill-informed guess. Can't wait to find out, though ...

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi CT ! Yes it's our lucky guess ... French, Russian, English..
But I think we must have the answers to the above questions...


New member
Hi i_weidinger !

Exellent link, beautiful music, great puzzle...:confused:

I do not know the work but the style of orchestration for the orchestra has a strong ressemblence to P.I.Tchaikovsy's music...very strong...from the strings arrangements to the horns....also the themes are close to his genius. I do not know if he ever wrote something like this one...

On the other hand.. we must ask jDude where did he find this recording, is it from old tapes ? old LP without cover or label? TV broadcast ? an old movie maybe ? The piece stops suddently without finale...:crazy:

I have a feeling this is from a Russian composer before the Red October...


I am Jdude. My brother gave me a CD of organ music when I was a child, it had this on it. He also gave me a sheet with all of the info on it (and other pieces), but I lost it and he doesn't remember the source of anything. He probably got it from an FTP or torrent back in the day.

It doesn't sound Russian to me, but we're forgetting that Tchaikovsky was schooled mainly in the Western tradition as opposed to other Russian nationalist composers in his day (Rimsky-Korsakov, Musorgsky, other Mighty Five members), so we can't rule him out. If I find out from another source, I will let you all know; I hope someone here knows though!!!



Staff member
Here's a PDF listing of known Organ/Orchestra comps ... it's 12 pages long - I had no idea there were so many.


Admiral of Fugues
Lars - far out!! that's a wonderful list, contains one of my absolute favourites: the William Lovelock concertino for organ and orchestra (of which I own both recording and full score).

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Krummhorn this is great !
This list is a treasure, I 'm prepearing a thread about how we can practice works for organ and orchestra, or organ with other instruments at home, so this fills a large gap for me.
Thanks very much !

PS Now we have to listen to all works listed there and make a match.....


Went through the last.fm lists for organ concertos, found some that it is not, but which have ben added to my play list. Did think for a time that it might be Poulenc but although similar in some respects it's not the G minor.

Ones to eliminate from the search, Poulenc, Hanson, Williamson, Buckley, Rheinberger, Charles Wesley, John Stanley, Handel (although I didn't listen to all of his), it don't really sound all that Handelian :rolleyes:


Admiral of Fugues
Sure, so did Elgar in several of his Pomp and Circumstance Marches AND in his Enigma Variations ... these are NOT, like Manfred, works for Organ and orchestra. The organ is merely one of the band.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
OK CT, and Hi again .
I 'll agree with you. After all we all try to find the right answer to this puzzle for us (because we like the work) and for our friend jDude cause he asked for help.

to be continued...

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hello j_weidinger,

You might try to put your question to Michael Barone who hosts a great organ program on PBS Radio.

Best wishes,

CD :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:


Admiral of Fugues
yeah - I'll put this question to Graham Abbott who does the "Keys to Music" program for ABC Classic FM (national broadcaster).