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    Frederik Magle


Interesting Documentary with Marie-Claire Alain


New member
I would gather that this tape was made a few (!) years ago. But there have to reasons why M-C-A is called the "first lady of the organ". And she seems to run the gamet of genres and music.

She must have played, at one time or another, most of the organs in Europe and a few other places as well.

That Bavokirche organ is justly famous.

BTW, where are the other five parts?

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Thanks for the.....gift Nick !!

You know I LOVE Marie-Claire, She's one of my all time inspirations. Her photo hangs on my studio wall smiling at me when in trouble....:grin::nut::shake::guitar:
I would gather that this tape was made a few (!) years ago. But there have to reasons why M-C-A is called the "first lady of the organ". And she seems to run the gamet of genres and music.

She must have played, at one time or another, most of the organs in Europe and a few other places as well.

That Bavokirche organ is justly famous.

BTW, where are the other five parts?

Here are the links for the other parts in order:







Enjoy :)
Thanks for the.....gift Nick !!

You know I LOVE Marie-Claire, She's one of my all time inspirations. Her photo hangs on my studio wall smiling at me when in trouble....:grin::nut::shake::guitar:

You are welcome!
Ha! I understand you! She is great indeed.

Best wishes,
I would gather that this tape was made a few (!) years ago. But there have to reasons why M-C-A is called the "first lady of the organ". And she seems to run the gamet of genres and music.

She must have played, at one time or another, most of the organs in Europe and a few other places as well.

That Bavokirche organ is justly famous.

BTW, where are the other five parts?

By the way you should check the channel of the uploader. He has some great stuff (some of which is quite rare).


Admiral of Fugues
She's just heavenly, isn't she? Such devine playing with such incredible insight into Bach's intentions.

I disagree with calling her the "first lady of the organ" as I'm extremly partial to that New Zealander (now British) Dame Gillian Weir, too.


New member
Nice to see a good quality video of this since my very old VHS copy of it has basically had it.

Marie-Claire's insight into so many aspects of performance technique and repertoire history is really quite extraordinary. When I spent a little over 1 hour with her in a one-to-one conversation, I almost hoped as though being in the same room with her, I might be able to absorb via osmosis or something, even a fraction of her skill. It was certainly an education just listening to her speak and my recording of that interview is still pride of place among my DAT tapes!


New member
She's just heavenly, isn't she? Such devine playing with such incredible insight into Bach's intentions.

I disagree with calling her the "first lady of the organ" as I'm extremly partial to that New Zealander (now British) Dame Gillian Weir, too.

In France she is called "la grande dame de l'orgue" which is not the translation for "first lady of the organ".
She is now a very old woman who should stop playing unless her reputation might be entailed...