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    Frederik Magle


Kilgen Opus 7722 - Conversion of a Pipe Organ Console to VPO - Part 1


New member
Nice looking console. I prefer not to use touch screens (even on computers, and I made my living with them since 1971). That would be a wonderful console to work with. Thanks for updating the thread.


New member
This organ was used for the first time at yesterday morning's Mass. I am humbled that a true organist was able to make praiseworthy music on an instrument of my design. I was only able to stay for the opening hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy", but the organ performed without issue. There are still a few minor tweaks that need to be done before I can declare it to be finished.

Thanks for viewing this thread!


New member
After they install the permanent sound system and we get the audio quality tweaked, I will see what I can do to get a recording.

Mick Berg

New member
I have done a similar project with a Klann console that was in St.Paul's Catholic Cathedral in San Diego for a while. As far as I can tell it was built in 1967. A description of the project is on my website, WWW.mickberg.com.
I am using Grand Orgue with a Silbermann sample set, it sounds terrific. I purchased this console with a pile of other stuff for $500.
If you are thinking of doing something like this, definitely go for a full-sized pipe organ console. They are easy to find, and so much more satisfying to play than some cheesy electronic made of MDF!
Mick Berg.
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Mick Berg

New member
Hi Jay ! A pleasure to read !

I got in my basement an old Lowrey T2 organ, in a very sad condition _ pedalboard stolen..., can't get el power, upper 3 1/2 oct keyboard almost separated from 4 oct lower, but wooden flat top is still ok.

Is it worth starting a conversion to VPO ? In it's condition I think's gonna cost much ...
I say not. Look around for a real organ console with at least two 61-note manuals and a 32 note RC pedalboard.
They are quite easy to find as, sadly, more and more churches dump their pipe organs for 'praise bands' etc.
Mick Berg.

Mick Berg

New member
What a fascinating machine that console is! My Klann is much simpler, with individual SAMs for the draw knobs. It had a setter board combination action with about 500 little switches. I kept this for a long time but finally removed it as it is very tedious to use and only gave six generals and four divisionals.
I am now installing magnet driver boards and am using Grand Orgue to provide the combination action. I admire your determination to keep the original action.
Mick Berg.