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    Frederik Magle


Midnight mass services - yes's and no's


New member
Hi guys

Can you tell me what music you tend to play at the end of such a service and during communion.
Also is the National Anthem ever sung, could it be sung or would it be a no go.



New member
communion: choir 'Away in a Manger'
End: In Dulci Jubilo - Bach
National Anthem.... er, no


Staff member
I agree with QFE on the music selections.

Using the national anthem would be inappropriate music for Christmas Eve.
I did work in a church once that sang "happy birthday, Jesus" at the end of one service ... I still chuckle about it to this day.


I would not use any National hymns (songs) unless there was a president, vice-president, Queen, King or other similar figure present.

For communion I like to use Latin liturgical music or familiar Christmas hymns.

postlude I usually use some big performance piece: Toccata for Grand Orgue by Gaston Beler; a Bach ( major key) Prelude and Fugue; Dubre - prelude and fugue;Widor's works. I also have been known to use the Hallelujah from the Messiah. There are some very fine festive Christmas Hymn arrangements.... and many times I just improvise something.

I always try to make this service special with the best I can do as this is the only service some people ever attend except for Easter. And it is the "Reason for the Season" and real meaning of life for many of us.


New member
After the Mass on Christmas Eve:

either Sortie sur 'Adeste Fidelis', by Pierre Cochereau (with a few corrections of my own in François Lombard's otherwise excellent transcription.), or the Fugue from the Fantasy on the Chorale 'Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme', by Max Reger.

During the administration of the elements, the Gentlemen of the Minster Choir will sing a selection of motets (arrranged for ATB), since we would not expect the choristers to attend so late, particularly since they would have to turn up again a few hours later, to sing the Mass and Choral Matins on Christmas Day.

The (or any) National Anthem - no.

Hi guys

Can you tell me what music you tend to play at the end of such a service and during communion.
Also is the National Anthem ever sung, could it be sung or would it be a no go.

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New member
I've played the Final of Dupre's Variations sur un Noel as a postlude a few times and it's always gone down well. I've also had specific requests for the Widor Toccata or sometimes the Dubois. The Final from Vierne's 1st also seems to be a popular Christmas piece for some reasons. Failing that, I'll tend to improvise on Adeste Fideles (not as well as Cochereau of course - ever!) or something similar. The common trend seems to be toward "loud and triumphant" sounding stuff.

Mark D

New member
I agree with QFE on the music selections.
I did work in a church once that sang "happy birthday, Jesus" at the end of one service

I would pay to see that :lol:

I don't see no purpose in playing the national anthem, I mean it's a great song obviously but really has nothing to do with Christmas. I agree with the person who mentioned Bach's In Dulci Jubilo (I prefer BWV 729), that has to be a strong candidate for the postlude.



Staff member
. . . I did work in a church once that sang "happy birthday, Jesus" at the end of one service ... I still chuckle about it to this day.

thanks all - am still laughing about happy birthday Jesus!

I would pay to see that :lol:

That occurred in my 2nd year as a church organist ... I was age 14 at that time and thought it was pretty silly then ... as I still do today.

To make matters worse, I just remembered there was also a round birthday cake with white frosting and lit candles on it ... :lol: I think we even served the cake, with ice cream, afterwards, sans the birthday hats :lol:.