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    Frederik Magle


Search for help to add Reverb playing wav. under ubuntu


New member
Dear Organfriends , I play Virtualorgan since 2 years with Win XP . Now I want to test Ubuntu in hope the Sound is better than under windows . Can me please help me anyone how to add Reverbation to play GrandOrgue on Ubuntu (like freeverb or something else)


Hallo and welcome to the forum. You will find many experienced and helpful musicians here



New member
Hello, welcome to this great place, I am sure someone will be able to help you.



New member

Fortunately it's not so difficult to get really good convolution reverbs in ubuntu. If you use a recent version of ubuntu you have a package called jconvolver in the repositories to install together with it's dependencies.

In /usr/share/jconvolver/config-files/ you'll find demo config files for the reverbs. Then you go to http://www.kokkinizita.net/linuxaudio/downloads/jconvolver-reverbs.tar.bz2 to download the wav files. Extract them and place the reverbs folder in your home folder.

Use one of the demo files to create a new config file by changing the path to cd /home/(USER)/reverbs (or where you actually put your reverbs folder) and save the file to your home folder. (you might have to copy the content and paste it into a new empty file that you then name and save to your home folder)

Start QJackctl, then start GrandOrgue (remember to untick the "Lossless compression" and "Randomize pipe speaking" in the audio settings). Load a sampleset. In a terminal you then start jconvolver with

jconvolver -N (NAME for instance "Reverb") YOUR_CONFIG_FILE

If you have done everything right then you might get a few warnings but you'll have the option to connect to your NAME in the QJackctl Connections Audio tab. Connect GrandOrgue to Reverb (or what you called it) and then Reverb to System.

Hope it helps. If something is unclear, just ask.

Kind regards

Lars Palo


New member
Hi Lars !
Many thanks for this good lesson about Ubuntu . Think that can help me !

Greetings Peter

( my English is very bad -- sorry )


New member
Hi Peter!

You're very welcome. I got great help from others here a few years ago so I'm just happy to pass on what I've learned.

Don't worry about the english! i'm swedish and probably makes lots of mistakes writing in english, but what matters is that one can understand (and be understood), help and share experiences with others!

I'm very pleased with using Ubuntu as a general OS myself! Feel free to ask if you need any more help or advice.

Kind regards

Lars P


New member
Hi Lars !

Thanks for your welcoming !

Since i'm beginning to play yirtualorgan on pc i make my first steps with Stephan's Cathedral ... and Jeux 1.4 all in sf2 . Soundcard was SB AWE 64 and OS Win ME . In the time learning and using sf2 and organprograms like jOrgan I buy better soundcards ( SBlive 24 bit , SB Audigy2 ZS ) in the hope of better sound . In internet I find homepage of Prospectum Organs and I buy the St. Johannes sampleset in HW3 . After that I make my own GrandOrgue organ definition file to can play St. Johannes with GrandOrgue ( because HW is too expensive ) . Reverbation comes from Audigy EAX console . First - all was good ! But - each restart of Windows sound was not so good as at beginning . I wonder why ! Problem with driver , cofiguration , DirectX - I don't know ! Anytime I heard about Linux , that it is easy to handle , that it runs stabil , and - that it is best in working with wav files . Good - I'm testing Ubuntu with alsa driver for my Audigy and GrandOrgue playing my Prospectum organs - and what I have to say - Ubuntu is absulut better - Sound is GREAT , each pipe comes warm and clear in my ears !

Its a little story about me and my problems with Windows to play Organ !

Greetings Peter