• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

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    (Note: If you wish to link to and promote your own website please read this thread first.)

    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


GO for Windows 32/64


New member

I suspect that you've the old svn location still if you get that revision number. The sourceforge account for GO was recently updated and in that process the new svn address makes it necessary for everyone to check out a clean new version from the new address. Have a look at the sourceforge page for GrandOrgue under the Svn menu item to get the new command.

Kind regards

Lars P


New member
Hi again

I had another try with this svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ourorgan/svn/trunk

Again the head revision is 1114 dated yesterday


ps That was quick work now updated to r1142
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New member
1171 available for download.
W32 with and without sse3

Thank you for releasing these Windows builds.

I have experimented a little with the 64 bit version under Windows 7.
GrandOrgue plays nicely here.
The reverb accepts various IR files and sounds good.
Here the gain has to be set very low, like 0,05 with the volume on the main window set to -6 db or lower; otherwise the soundcard is overloaded.
Is there a way to regulate the volume of the wet sound separately from the volume of the dry sound?
Or is gain influencing both simultaneously?

I noticed a few things:
- adding the dirac pulse has different effects
- it reduces in some cases considerably the latency when reverb is enabled
- in some cases it drastically increases the sound volume
For me some explanation about when to use the dirac pulse and about its various effects would be welcome.
E.g. does it change the length of the reverb and/or the frequency response?

- if i set the number of buffers to 1024 or 512 GrandOrgue 1171 works.
But if i change it to 768 or 384 GrandOrgue release 1171 freezes, and GrandOrgue has to be killed via Task Manager.
Afterwards when starting GrandOrgue it still freezes; even uninstalling and reinstalling does not change this.
The way to get version 1171 to work again is to start a previous version of GrandOrgue, put the number of buffers back to 1024 or 512 and close.
Then version 1171 works again as before.
This problem clearly did not happen with the 1146 version.
By the way, in what file is GrandOrgue writing its settings related to the parameters available under Audio/Midi Settings?

Anyway, this is a most valuable release; thanks a lot to all developers and contributors.

All the best.

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New member
The settings are in the registry.
The path to them is.

current user/software/ourorgan/grandorgue.

At present, When reverb is enabled, Only samples per buffer size's of 128, 256, 512, 1024 can be used.
Any other setting will crash GO.
For windows at least
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New member
Thanks for the registry location and for the confirmation about sample set sizes allowed.

All the best.



New member
Is there a way to regulate the volume of the wet sound separately from the volume of the dry sound?
Or is gain influencing both simultaneously?

direct sound = 1
indirect sound = gain * <max amplitude of the IR file>

smaller gain => louder direct sound

I noticed a few things:
- adding the dirac pulse has different effects
- it reduces in some cases considerably the latency when reverb is enabled
- in some cases it drastically increases the sound volume
For me some explanation about when to use the dirac pulse and about its various effects would be welcome.
E.g. does it change the length of the reverb and/or the frequency response?
Dirac impulse adds direct sound to the result. Latency is reduced, as the reverb (indirect sound) described by IRs has usually a delay encoded.

To understand the volume issues, you need to consider:
* Overall volume
* Gain
* Maximum amplitude of the IR and the IR

- if i set the number of buffers to 1024 or 512 GrandOrgue 1171 works.
But if i change it to 768 or 384 GrandOrgue release 1171 freezes, and GrandOrgue has to be killed via Task Manager.
Afterwards when starting GrandOrgue it still freezes; even uninstalling and reinstalling does not change this.
The way to get version 1171 to work again is to start a previous version of GrandOrgue, put the number of buffers back to 1024 or 512 and close.
Then version 1171 works again as before.

Thanks for the bug report - I'll need some time to look into this.


New member
At present, When reverb is enabled, Only samples per buffer size's of 128, 256, 512, 1024 can be used.
Only 2^n are currently compatible with reverb. For the moment, I have fixed the crash in trunk - it will simply disable reverb with an error message.


New member
Windows Rev 1178 available for download

Revision: 1178
Fix reverb crashes

Revision: 1177
Remove global functions

Revision: 1176
RtMidi merge - part 3

Revision: 1175
RtMidi multiapi support

Revision: 1174
RtMidi merge - part 2

Revision: 1173
RtMidi Merge - part 1

Revision: 1172
Remove global objects


New member
Revision 1178 64 bit version installed here and working very nicely.

As stated in previous posts, no freezing of GO anymore if sample set size is not equal to 2^n.
The error reported points to this wrong sample size.
(Problem concerning rev 1171, reported in message #145, has a solution in rev. 1178)

Thanks for this; it is much more userfriendly.

All the best.



New member
Windows revision 1181 are out.
Add more MIDI matching types for manuals
Rework transpose
Update Manpage


New member
Any known regression (compared to the last stable version) or can we label it "stable"?

Here everything works without problems. (Windows 7 64 bit)
Cliking the panic button eliminates latency experienced immediately after startup.
Reverb, if set to 2^n, works ok.

As soon as a non-sse 32 bit .deb of rev 1181 is available it can be tested on a low end laptop under Ubuntu.

All the best.

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New member
Updated French translation and uploaded Windows version 1185 on SF, including non sse3 version.
