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GrandOrgue v0305 multi releases and more - free odf

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)

Just for thought : if one has set main volume for his GO setup at -14 (after testing that the majority of his sets have amplitude 100 in odf) and then there comes a set with higher settings (up to 300). Opening this set will cause distortion, so it would be helpful if he could (once) set in odf a lower setting (bellow -14) just for this set, to match the other organs in the setup from then on .

Also reverb function. Would be easier if this setting could be altered and uniquely set for each organ ? Especially for sets combining ranks with different release time, like : organ set 1 plays with maximum, set 2 loaded next plays with 2.8 or lower to match. Each time will have to remember this setting for each organ set and adjust manually.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
OK, I found it :-D , but 4shared asks for sign in or log in :-/
I don't like either way :)
Have you got Dropbox ?
or.... we can do it with e-mail. How large is the file?


New member
Just for thought : if one has set main volume for his GO setup at -14 (after testing that the majority of his sets have amplitude 100 in odf) and then there comes a set with higher settings (up to 300). Opening this set will cause distortion, so it would be helpful if he could (once) set in odf a lower setting (bellow -14) just for this set, to match the other organs in the setup from then on .

GO saves the volume in the organ settings (press save).

Also reverb function. Would be easier if this setting could be altered and uniquely set for each organ ? Especially for sets combining ranks with different release time, like : organ set 1 plays with maximum, set 2 loaded next plays with 2.8 or lower to match. Each time will have to remember this setting for each organ set and adjust manually.

The reverb function is not intended for unifying the release parts - it has to be part of the ODF. What parameters would you need [Forget the current implementation while answering this question]?

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Just a quick one... (I'm in a hurry..)

Antonio it works :-D Just got it.

Thanks Martin, I'll post tomorrow

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Got it ok, decompressed ok - no work : incompatible program ..... What's your OS ? - here win7 64bit


New member
Got it ok, decompressed ok - no work : incompatible program ..... What's your OS ? - here win7 64bit

DOS has been mention: Win64 does not support DOS or Win16 programs any more.

If you are having Win7 professional (not home), MS offers a 32 bit vm (XP) as free addon (which will run DOS programs):

MS is offering other OS images with different terms of use for download too:

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)

And as this is primary (I also typed "and more" he he) a thread about multi-releases, every friend here who wants to mess with multi releases in GO v0305 should get this program.
It saves LOTS of HOURS.....and you know I know how much LoL

Also, this program can be evolved in higher levels and be an essential tool for creating custom organ sets for GO.
Special ranks ? YES please ! As I posted, Mystic Organ program has this drawback..... cannot start at 048-C for example = go manually later.

One observation : If one clicks on any "release creator" button and then decides to cancel, MMRP nevertheless creates a nameless text file with all the basic syntax for all the releases without the folder name :)
No big deal but I had to mention it, since I tested (LoL):cool:

@Martin. Thank you for these info, I was not aware of. Home premium here... no pro :-/ Anyway, Antonio, offered this new one, but it's good to know:)
I'll post later about reverb .


PS. Hmmm we got Loop Auditioneer and MMRP now.... Weapons for Grand Orgue are rising !!


New member

I'm glad you like it.

I created the program in DOS just to save time to create the files multirelase for personal use, but today, given the difficulties that you had to run it, I rewrote, quickly, in vb6.
But I did get to see the potential that the application had, of course you can make a lot of improvements and additions, but it takes time.


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
In Greece we say "the good thing needs time to be created" (try to translate a best as I can...)

Pitea set took more than year to be released, from takin' the samples to be available for download, with three people involved.

Take your time. It is a winner in the making. I 'll test whatever you want.
See as an example Lars' Loop Auditioneer. It started, as you do with MMRP, as a private venture and now we got a powerful tool in our hands !

All my Best to you


New member
Hi all! Hello my friend Panos (I understand the emotions the Mediterranean), a new public version of the updated MakeMultiReverbPipe also special registers. I have checked many times the program, but some errors might still be there (I hope not), I correct if I reported them. Thanks to all.

Here is the link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79674895/MMRPipe.zip

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Antonio !!
Thanks !!!! I just got it. I'll test asap and post back :)

Mediterranean Emotions ! ..... :) (that was good ! >>> IMHO better than cold North - sorry my good Northern friends - LoL)

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
OK, MMRP report.

Antonio, this is a GREAT improvement. I like the style with the Italian organs' pictures and the new functions.
Special stops page is a charm and unique so far !! Thanks for this.

Two things :
1. If I forget the name of the stop and click Cancel it doesn't close... It insists on a name. Cancel doesn't work. No big problem as hitting Exit it closes thankfully.
2. Make another stop do nothing? What I'm doing wrong ? Must click on this after I make the first stop ?

I like the way it creates the stop releases on the right and we copy from there and not from an "external" txt file ! GOOD.

I would like a "browser like" function when it asks for stop name and then the path.
For example to have a "browse" button and we select manually the whole path/stop name.
Like in Loop Auditioneer, where it asks for folder and we browse for.
Is this possible?

This is my first feedback on this new version. I'll try to do some more stops for my special 4GB set and post more.

Overall I'm very impressed.
Ah, I like the "about me" window :) NICE !!


New member
OK, MMRP report.

Two things :
1. If I forget the name of the stop and click Cancel it doesn't close... It insists on a name. Cancel doesn't work. No big problem as hitting Exit it closes thankfully.
2. Make another stop do nothing? What I'm doing wrong ? Must click on this after I make the first stop ?


I would like a "browser like" function when it asks for stop name and then the path.
For example to have a "browse" button and we select manually the whole path/stop name.
Is this possible?

This is my first feedback on this new version. I'll try to do some more stops for my special 4GB set and post more.

Et comme on dit en français.
Voila '.

And as they say in French.
Voila '.
