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memory pool is full


New member
good afternoon

i,m using version GOv2
i have downloaded the latest version GOv3.
i have a lot of sample sets which i load without problems with the version GOv2.
i tried to load these sample sets with the latest version GOv3.
y how big or small the organ i receive an error message called
memory pool is full.
is there a solution ???

i,m using

windows xp home edition
the memory is 2 GB




New member
I am having this trouble as well, but it does not interfere with organs when run. Try the Barton Organ,it is brilliant on the latest version of GO!!!


New member
thank you for your reply
G0v3 load the organ without problem but when i touch the keys its producing the ugly sound of out of memory.
something in version GOv3 is limiting the memory which no appears with the version GOv2
i cannot find an solution for this problem.
also i,m afraid to install the two versions at the same time which the possibility that two versions will interfere in the settings.


New member
G0v3 load the organ without problem but when i touch the keys its producing the ugly sound of out of memory.
something in version GOv3 is limiting the memory which no appears with the version GOv2
i cannot find an solution for this problem.

The memory bar for a 32 Bit GO is about 1.5 GB (see maximum pool size in the organ properties). Depending on the OS, GO can use more memory, but some things (eg. memory mapping from the cache) don't work.

This affects load time and the maximum loadable amount of sample data, not sound output.

The ugly sound problem looks like a non-optimal GO sound output configuration, which already have been covered in some threads in this forum.

General suggestions: Try a different sound output in GO, increase latency / sampler per buffer (first with only playing one pipe concurrently). From that config do further optimizations.

also i,m afraid to install the two versions at the same time which the possibility that two versions will interfere in the settings.
The settings location has changed in GO 0.3 - so they should be distinct from GO 0.2. In any case, after you switched between both GO version, you can verify the settings in the settings dialog and press OK.

If you want seperate GO profiles, you can create different user account in windows and use each user for a different GO version.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Just to add some more info,

I have in my lap (win7 64bit 4GBram) : MyOrgan 1.06, GO v01, GO v02 and latest GO v0306. All play with no issues.
Why's that? Simply because over three years I used to some sets with certain versions and personal settings :) :)

Nevertheless, one can have just GO v0306 only and just a folder named "My Organs" or whatever where all personal sets are in. Local HHD or external and enjoy.
The difference is that v0306 asks some more settings to be done before start performing. And this, I can confirm, pays off in sound and function high quality, depending of course on individual system.

Also a limit of 4GB ram , thus we go to 64bit, has become standard nowadays, because we are dealing with heavy loaded organ sets.
GO though can work in small OS with great effect, provided that we load smaller sets.
For example works great here on an Acer 11' netbook with win7 64bit Intel celeron 1.3 GHz (!!) 2GB ram and Asio4all driver to the standard RealTek card.
I wonder how it will work on a smaller one with 32bit Intel N570 and 1GB ram.... probably with no problems, if I load a small 6 to 9 stop set loading max 500MB with Lossless compression ON ?
I have to find such a net book and give some tests :)


New member
thank you for your answers.
the memory of my old computer is 2.048 Mb.
this is to small in version 3 for some sample sets.
for example the burea extended version works perfectly in the version 2 but not in the version 3
so i stay using the version 2 till i buy a new computer with at least 4 Gb.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi gerkingma,

You can try the Pitea set we did with Lars and Graham. It's a special organ set 3m/p and has a small positiv in too .

As this set is 16/44100, set GO 0306 to load the samples at the same rate, with lossless compression ON and Linear interpolation.
Concurrency follows the number of the cores you got there.
Set latency on 256 buffers for start.
It should work, as it worked here on my older lap with Athlon 64 x2 32bit and 2048MB ram !!



New member
Also don't let the memory pool full stop you.
Most of the time clicking OK will not stop GO from working correctly.
When there is really no more memory available, GO will tell you that only part of the organ was loaded and that you should change loading parameters to be able to load the complete organ.


New member
Since the memory pool full message appears to be only an informational warning, is there a way to suppress this message? On my console, I try not to use the keyboard or the mouse. So having to click on this message each time I restart the PC requires my having to go out of my way to hookup the mouse and then clicking the message warning.


New member
good afternoon
i have used the trial version of Hauptwerk.
there is an option to disable ranks.
it is a very good solution for saving memory because i don,t use all the ranks.
i don,t see this option in GO.03
because when i want to use the GO.03 version without troubles i,m forced to buy a new computer with a least 4 GB
i,m using a keyboard for playing an organ ,lets say to most simple way
i think many users using GO like me.
maybe its a good idea to have a light version for the simple users and a full version for the professional users.


New member
i have used the trial version of Hauptwerk.
there is an option to disable ranks.
it is a very good solution for saving memory because i don,t use all the ranks.
i don,t see this option in GO.03

GO supports it (even at pipe level) - in the organ settings, you can select don't load under sample channels. Then save and reload.

because when i want to use the GO.03 version without troubles i,m forced to buy a new computer with a least 4 GB
i,m using a keyboard for playing an organ ,lets say to most simple way
i think many users using GO like me.
maybe its a good idea to have a light version for the simple users and a full version for the professional users.

The memory pool warning is mostly a 32 bit issue, as the 32 bit Window memory layout limits it to about 1.5 GB [on 64 bit GO+64bit windows, this limit is far beyond the current memory sizes]. A second reason for a memory pool warning can be, if the sample data fills up the complete main memory.
In any case, if only this warning apprears, GO has loaded everything.

A complete different issue is, if GO reports, that it failed to load the complete organ. In that case, it is possible to selected diffent sample load settings (either via the organ settings or globally via the settings dialog). The organ properties show the amount of already used memory.

GO 0.3 offers more options to load sample data - The memory usage should be compareable to GO 0.2, if you select 16 bit sample depth. Lossless compression will allow you to save memory too.