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    Frederik Magle


Expression Pedals and Volume Output


New member
Good evening everyone,

I'm writing to see if others are experiencing this problem or if it's an issue local to my setup. I hadn't noticed the issue until recently because I've only recently added expression pedals to my organ. Right now I'm experiencing the following circumstances:

If the expression pedals are open, notes play at full volume (as expected). If, however, expression pedals start open, notes are held, expression pedals closed, then expression opened again the notes held do not return to full volume. The held notes return to about 85% of full. Then, if expression pedals are not moved, releasing held notes and immediately depressing them again causes the volume to jump up to 100% again for the newly played notes.

Since the pedals have not been moved, it seems to me that GrandOrgue is accurately reading the position of the expression shoes but is not correctly modifying the audio output until the next time notes are pressed. The effect is barely noticeable with only a few stops, but when playing full organ it is clearly noticeable. The audio output meter in GrandOrgue confirms what I hear as the bars clearly move further to the right when the keys are released and then pressed again.

Most of the time, this is not a problem but it makes a difference in certain situations. Is this a known problem? If so, I apologize for bringing it up again. If it is not a known issue, can others say if this is happening on their machines as well?

I'm running revision 1125 on a 64-bit windows 7 machine. If other information would be useful to know, just ask.

Thanks, as always for all the work you do on GrandOrgue. It does not go unnoticed and is certainly appreciated!

Take care,


New member
Hi Matt

It's the same here,but it's a big improvement on 1088 and earlier versions which clicked when moving the pedal

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New member
I have just tried it out it fixes the issue that Matt pointed out,but now opens fast and close's slow.
So care is needed again in it's use.



New member

Before I can give you any usefull info, I will have to check if I have added any capacitors to the pedals in the past.
I have tried buffer=1024 and 256, they appear to behave the same.



New member
Hi Martin

As I said I've got to check the pedals yet

Everything I've read on enclosures suggests that it is the first part of opening that has the most effect.
So a negative DB scale might be best,if that is the same as exponential,or possible to do.

I still have a problem when using key image's, the sound can have artifacts or freeze .
This only occurs when the cache is in use.
Occasionally it seems GO reads the image's from the cache,causing this interruption.

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New member
I still have a problem when using key image's, the sound can have artifacts or freeze .
This only occurs when the cache is in use.
Occasionally it seems GO reads the image's from the cache,causing this interruption.
Compressed or uncompressed cache? Operation System? Is the organ filling up the memory completely?

GO never writes images to the cache. Its more likely related to paging or other background activity.


New member

Win7 64 uncompressed approx 60 percent memory pagefile disabled
seen in the disk reads part of task manager

I will try to log it if you like.


ps. I've just played for an hour cache enabled.
It has been perfect.

It was bad yesterday, I should have investigated then.


It has just crashed again, As it was reading the cache.
So for now the choice is key image's or fast loading
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New member
Win7 64 uncompressed approx 60 percent memory pagefile disabled
seen in the disk reads part of task manager

It has just crashed again, As it was reading the cache.
So for now the choice is key image's or fast loading

You could try the compressed cache - its memory usage is more like a regular load.

40 percent free memory should be enough for normal background activity.

The uncompressed cache is memory mapped: the cache file content is "paged" into main memory - similar to the paging file.

I can only guess about the read of the crash - the crash information would provide a very small hint.

If you can load using the uncompressed cache and play each note of each stop is working, GO has loaded everything correctly. The random crash can only be attributed to the Windows memory management, which fails to provide access to a the cache for an unknown reason.

PS: If you remove in OrgueMemoryPool.cpp, GOrgueMemoryPool::SetCacheFile the block between #ifdef __WIN32__ and #endif, you can disable memory mapping.


New member

I have built as you suggested,There was an issue were GO would not delete or update a matching cache file.
This is now fixed.

Thanks Martin

All I have to do now is give it a good testing.



New member
Hi all,

Has anyone done a windows build since rev 1125? I'd like to be able to test the functionality of both the setter updates that were previously discussed as well as the updates to the swell shoes discussed in this thread but I haven't seen an updated build on sourceforge. Am I missing it or does it still need to be done? If there is some discussion somewhere about how to create the builds for GrandOrgue, I'd be interested in looking into this, but I currently know very little about the process and I haven't seen anything like this on the forum recently.

I hope that everyone is well. Take care,


New member
Thanks to JLD, I have downloaded and installed the most recent build with the setter updates and expression updates. I have extensively tested the expression pedals and they work as I expect them to now. Thanks!

I haven't had much time to look into the new setter yet as it will take some time to program all of the pistons on my console to the new generals and then store all of my current settings to the different banks of memory. I'll get back to you all as soon as I can test this functionality.