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Clean Clavichord odf for GO 1261 and above using velocity

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi everyone,

I attach a "clean" odf so any friend who needs help with log warnings can see how I managed to solve some of them.
Also can see how velocity is used in the new GO so we can get a clavichord type of instrument at last, playing piano and mezzo and forte.

As samples I used the once offered from Sonus Paradisi simple sfz version ones of Donat 1700 set. Only one attack and one release per key.
Of course you can use any samples for testing this, as all are 036-C, 037-C# and so on :cool:

I used one image , I upload it here too for anyone who wants to build this clavi :)
Also used Rank section for the sample files and a separate stop section and it works smoooothly.

Hope it helps a little.


  • donat.png
    623 KB · Views: 20
  • Donat1700.organ
    13 KB · Views: 30


New member
Hello Panos,

Thank you for this interesting GO ofd.
A very nice addition to the growing collection of GO instruments.
It loads as you stated without error messages.
Using a velocity sensitive keyboard it opens again new perspectives.

All the best


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Erik,

Thanks for feedback !
Glad to hear it opens with no log !

Indeed I play this little thing with the simple CME M-key USB keyboard , which I'm feeling comes a bit close to the clavichord light touch and it is velocity sensitive too with different curves to choose.

New GO allows many uses of velocity and this will certainly lead us to do more instruments, apart classic organs !

I'm planning to do a Fortepiano, next, with samples from the Walther I got from SampleTekk in a very special price (GIG or Kontakt) and thought OK now why not having a great Walther on my GO ??? !
Though I cannot share tha samples I will most probably share the odf and pic for those who may have it along with instructions on how to get the Kontakt version into GO one.

Another project can be a .... GRAND PIANO ! Yes, Salamander free one (v2) is the main candidate for. GO can accept as many velocity levels as we want (salamander has 16 per note as I recall, plus releases, plus hammer and damper noises...).
The only problem that I do not know how to solve is how to apply damper ect pedals to. jOrgan front end would be a solution, but I need to know how it can be done with GO alone.

Finally, I'll add that this way we can have the original Donat 1700 with all its velocity levels on attack and releases. It will require more and much time to finish though... LOL



New member
This would be an interesting instrument to try, but as far as I can see from searching the net it's not possible to download the samples anymore. Do you know if it's possible to get them somewhere?

Kind regards

Lars P


New member

Are you familiar with a good harpsichord set for GO? I had attempted to use a few of the free download sets, but they seemed to not have the correct loop tags set. When I would press a key, I would hear the note start two times, once when I engaged the key and once when I released the key.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)

From SR I have seen that this very good clavichord set in two versions - HW3 with multi sampled velocities in both attack and releases and a simpler version with single sampled attack releases for the rgc::audio sfz sampler = probably because GOo2 couldn't accept velocity at the time :) - it's no more in any server for download (donationware it was?).

@Lars PM ;-)

There are two GREAT clavichords today (Michiel Post's )still available asking a silly price at SampleTekk in Sweden. The Grand one , Silbermann 1775 and the smaller German around 1650 or so. Offered as GIG and Kontakt format in the same folder !!
This means :

1.We can use the GIG file for Linuxsampler and control it with jOrgan front end - or playing them as are with it.
2.Use Kontakt full version and control with jOrgan too.
3.Use the samples we can find in Kontakt's folder , re name them in GO style, separate attack and releases in different folders , create an odf and get two (or one set with two) super clavichords. - add some nice pics as background too !

The small Italian harpsichord from Sonimusicae is a very good one. Change the entries in the old HW1 odf you'll find inside and create a new for GO031 without log warnings.
ALSO : Download the Kontakt version because there are separate attack and release wav files. Nothing different, but if you cannot repair any wrongly set silence loops and cue release markers in original HW1 folders (easy with a wav editor like OcenAudio free), you can use the Kontakt version's att/rel the way we do it now in GO 031 = use my clavichord odf as example, but : delete velocity entries ! :)

Another good harpsichord is the Bezemer one from Sygsoft. Sounds like a Ruckers :

1. Ask from them their older Clavecimbel 3 (free - needs e-mail ect) in HW1 format. Dry.
2. Use HW2's version samples and its sound FX to create a new odf for GO 031 - I'll check my files I think I did one like this last summer... if so, I'll upload the odf here :)

Blanchet and Taskin from Sonymusicae are good ones too. The difference is that Taskin has not passed the.... de-noise procedure LOL and is full of noise.
I did spent a coupla days denoising it with great results, but as you posted, I also found wrongly set cue marks on releases. I'll correct them in time, as I'm workin' on a new multisampled historic Sicilian Organ to be released for GO (I wish) this year :)



New member
This would be an interesting instrument to try, but as far as I can see from searching the net it's not possible to download the samples anymore. Do you know if it's possible to get them somewhere?

Kind regards

Lars P

Hello Lars,

Have a look at your Private messages inbox.

All the best.


Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Erik,

seems we both did the same move for our friend Lars.... :)
Feels good to have great e-friends nowadays ! :-D



New member
3.Use the samples we can find in Kontakt's folder , re name them in GO style, separate attack and releases in different folders , create an odf and get two (or one set with two) super clavichords. - add some nice pics as background too !

There is no need for renaming. GO only requires, that the real file names match the files in the ODF.

Nothing different, but if you cannot repair any wrongly set silence loops and cue release markers in original HW1 folders
You also can set/override loops / release marker via ODF (*CuePoint, *LoopCount, *Loop*Start, *Loop*End).