• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Making Custom Organs

Mick Berg

New member
Is there a way to make custom organs in GO? Such as a GUI like MYCO for Hauptwerk (except it should work................)

Or are there good instructions somewhere for creating an ODF?

Mick Berg.


New member
Now I've created jMakeOdf in java that's a rewrite of JLDs make_odf and in the process extended its functionality a bit. The software is free and released under a MIT license.

The actual processing is much faster now with a more efficient data storage. It can ease ODF production quite a bit but it's no GUI application. You have to create a shorthand definition file that tells the program what to do. But the ups are that it among other things can handle ranks/stops even with multiple attacks/releases and tremulant samples, couplers, synth tremulants and switches.

The sources are available on https://github.com/e9925248/grandorgue-odf/tree/master/java/jMakeOdf but I've also created a compiled package with information files that can be found on my own webpages at http://www.familjenpalo.se/vpo/software.

Kind regards

Lars P


New member
Hello to all. I'm writing a program that creates ODF automatically. For now it is only in Italian language, but it is very intuitive.

My computer makes me use only GrandOrgue version 3.0.6 1088 so I could not test whether the ODF it creates are valid for later versions. The program has just been born, for now you can put 6 Stops for manuals and pedal 3 Stops. The program, however, will create the ODF with these features, however, may not work in loading the files into the program GrandOrgue, of course, we all, or almost all, we know a correct ODF. About the test may report errors into ODF, and thank him right now.
Thank you. Larioant.

For Download:

For reports, in this forum, or:

Thank you google translator

Salve a tutti. Sto scrivendo un programma che crea ODF in automatico.
Il mio computer mi fa usare solo GrandOrgue Versione 3.0.6 1088 quindi non ho potuto provare se gli ODF che crea sono validi per le versioni successive. Il programma è appena nato, per ora si possono mettere 6 registri per i manuali e 3 registri al pedale. Il programma, sicuramente, creerà lo ODF con queste caratteristiche che però potrebbe non funzionare nel caricare i files nel programma GrandOrgue. Chi lo prova può segnalare eventuali errori eventuali errori nell'ODF, e lo ringrazio già da ora.
Grazie . Larioant.

Per il Download:

Per le segnalazioni su questo forum o:

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Larioant, good to "see" you again.
I was using your extra helpful program, but from till now that is up many many things have changed and will get many errors.
You must find a way to use and up so you can update your excellent program and get no errors after odf creation.
Lookin' forward to this !

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
@ Lars :
My friend I tried both your programs (creator and corrector) on win8 x64 where I have installed java x86 and x64.
java executable file doesn't want to open and work. I'll try on win7 x64 and post back asap :)


New member
I hope you try to run them from the commandline, not by clicking on them! :)

The README files should contain the necessary information. But it's best if you first copy the programs to the folder in which you want to work and then open a commandline window and cd into the directory where the program now is. Then you run it with:

java -jar jOdfCleaner OldODF.organ NewCleanODF.organ

The ODF generator is similar but you have to create a shorthand definition file (with a text editor) and you run it with:

java -jar jMakeOdf.jar ShorthandDefinitionTextFile

More examples of how the definition file can look like are available at https://github.com/e9925248/grandorgue-odf/tree/master/java/jMakeOdf that I used as a startingpoint for creating the Kdousov and StMichel sampleset ports. But also read the README files. ;-)

I know that the definition text file (inherited from make_odf) is a bit cryptic and fragile to work with but it sure did ease the programming extremely much compared to writing a GUI that could do the same things...

Kind regards

Lars P


New member
Lars did a great job with the odf generation program which does pretty much everything anybody would need for most organ odf.
it would not take too much effort to write a GUI that would generate the definition language that the java program uses. I am unfortunately swamped with work and can't contribute much but it would be nice if somebody with a little bit of time could tackle this.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
ooops Lars, my friend sorry about that.... I double clicked... use to it from jOrgan usage.... LOL
I'll try again.... LOL It happens you know.... (OMG... I'm embarassed...)

It works and it's not. I mean, I can set evrything it wants then it says odf is created ok in... C:\ ????
I look in C:\ no odf present... What did I do wrong ?

Best to all
Last edited:


New member
Hello to all. Dear Panos same link I put a new file, the stops that can be created for each user are now 18 and 18 for the pedals. You can also choose the folder to save the ODF. I look forward recommendations to correct or improve the program, possibly in easy English. Thank you.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Ciao Antonio
Thank you for your work again.
Was out of the web for 7 days
Tried your link now, it says error 404
Probably you're re-uploading some newer version ?
see you soon


New member
Tried your link now, it says error 404
Probably you're re-uploading some newer version ?
see you soon
Ciao Panos, one I have uploaded a newer version, but I had not renamed in the link, and then gave error. Thanks for reporting.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
OK Antonio, got it fine.
Works better than the previous (dialogue ect) but.... even if it now shows where to save the created odf (and name it) , after clicking save, doesn't create the odf, at least where I save it.
Any ideas why ?