Why am I not surprised


Found this while browsing.


Click on the image to make it big enough to read.

To my mind this makes a good case for allowing places to install phone signal jamming. Places like shops, restaurants, places of entertainment, work places - factory office (you're there to work not jabber with your mates or family) You should also be sitting or standing still, and/or paying attention to your surroundings

There is an even stronger case for installing a similar jamming device in cars which activates when the ignition is switched on.


Staff member
I quite agree. About a month ago I witnessed a family of 5, Mom, Dad, three children about ages 6 through 10. Every family member had the latest and greatest iPhone and was busy "thumbing" (texting, playing games, etc). All at once there was an instant sound of laughter from that table - one family member had texted the other four members about something funny he/she saw on the internet. So much for verbal communication within the family - I mean, the little brat couldn't just tell the others about it, but had to text it to the rest of the family who are only sitting inches apart??? Disfunctional family.

Then one of the boys said, "hey, check your phones, I just sent you an email!" Whaaaaaatttttt? He sent an email to his family that were all sitting at the same table?? OMG.

This is the fault of the parents ... sorry, but no child aged 6 needs a cell phone ... my son was not allowed one until he turned 16, and then it had restricted usage.

I spent time in a disfuntional house (previous marriage) where the kids all had beepers and cell phones. Every night during dinner, their pagers would go off with a "911" message (911 is the US emergency number) to call someone back. The kids would leap out of their chairs, leaving their dinner to get cold, and go make these 'emergency calls' which were just friends with no actual emergency at all. Then we would have to reheat their dinners ... the mother allowed this to go on and on ... and I was told literally to "bug off" and mind my own business when I objected to this happening. But when I was on the phone (never at a meal) I was constantly nagged by her asking me "who are you talking to?" "Who is calling you?" "When are you going to be done with that call?" "Why do you have to talk on the phone when I need to talk to you?"

I divorced that one within a year. :lol:

We are allowing our own personal world to become too "electronic" - what ever happened to family conversation over the mealtimes? I have a rule in my house - no calls will be answered during a meal - they can leave a message if it is that important and we will call back when it is convenient for us, not them.

I am not in favor of totally jamming these devices - there are legitimate users who must remain available (doctors, nurses, police, fire, etc) that must be able to get calls wherever and whenever.

Kh ♫


An article in the local paper called for a ban on phones on parts of the beaches! It got quite a lot of favourable comment.

I agree with Lars about some legitimate users; maybe figure an alert system so that if they are driving they can pull over to take a call.

I also found this interesting,


I had 2 Nokia devices given to me some years ago, tossed in a drawer and never used so I don't have these problems.


Staff member
My 2nd mobile phone was a Nokia. It was a piece of junk and I quickly changed to a Motorola brand.