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    Frederik Magle


GO not receiving MIDI.


Original posting deleted; seems to be sorted now, I went and bought a cheap used USB/midi keyboard, so that I could generate a Midi event, I had been using the Complex MIDI option.
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New member
However when Finalé or VMPK are directed to GO (set to same Midiyoke number) nothing reaches the keys/pedals, no little red notes, no sound.

When setting manuals and Pedals to MIDI inputs and channels, which should I select, "Listen for Event" or "Complex MIDI .....". When asked for a MIDI event input where should it come from, neither of the apps I have are getting through, so I'm using the Complex.... option and clicking on the lowest note of the manual.

I do not have a keyboard so I'm unable to check that option.

First make sure, that your virtual MIDI port is recognized by GO - it should be present, before GO starts. The MIDI device list in the GO settings must list it as active input device.

If the MIDI port is active in the GO MIDI settings, right click on any organ stop, "Listen for event" and send some MIDI events (eg. note, pgm change or ctrl change) via it. At this point, GO should recognize something and fill the MIDI dialog. That would be the confirmation, that sending MIDI data to that port was sucessful.

You have a virtual MIDI keyboard (VMPK?) to try out "detect complex event". For configuring GO for a sequencer output, I would probably use the normal "Listen for events", as it requires just sending one key of "manual".

Just to cap it all, now GO is collapsing to a short bar with the Fullscreen/part screen blanked out as soon as an organ has loaded with the Fullscreen/part screen blanked out, I can minimise it but restore just gives me the same result, I have to reboot GO then works once, then if closed and reopened it's back to collapse.

You should be able to enlarge the GO window using the normal Windows behaviour: Move the mouse curser over a window border until it changes to arrows and then enlarge it with the left mouse key pressed.
GO will restore after loading the window size/position, when you last saved the organ.