• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

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    Frederik Magle


Looking for good digital


New member
Thank you for sharing the link. I can't wait until I get my organ in a few days and start to really have fun with MIDI. I believe I will wind up with Hauptwerk software, but still haven't totally decided. I will have to MIDI-ize the 2 keyboards and the pedal board, and from what I have researched, that should cost about $375 USD.

I hope my neighbors like classical organ music. If not, they are in for a "rude awakening."



Admiral of Fugues
There are some strong opinions here about what's best "hauptwerk, etc" my two cent's worth: do your own research and find one your most comfortable with, because, like most trains, you'll get to your destination, your seats might just be different coloured.


New member
Listening to many of the electronic versions of pipe organs out there is quickly becoming an obcession for me. I find myself at my computer for countless hours, even forgetting to take the time to prepare meals and/or go to bed.

I have to thank you all for the wealth of information on these forums. It has truly opened my eyes to what is possible with some time, patience, and of course, some money.

Since I have been googling my head off, I came across this YouTube download that I thought would be nice to share...just to see if it makes the same impression on anyone here as it did on me. I was especially moved by the trumpet sounds. And to think that this organ is in someone's lounge/living room!


Let me know if you like it.

It sounds good except for full organ - but that could be made worse by the recording method. It appears to be an Ahlborn when I look at the keywords, or at least it has an Ahlborn module in there somewhere.
I have found a Pretty good Organ company, named Content Organs that has to offer more than i expected. For Example http://www.contentorgels.nl/product1.aspx?catid=30
The Mondri 5400 has Approx 10000 Euros the 5600 arround 12000 and the 5800 14000.
For the stops and manuals they provide i have to say that it is a really reasonable price. You are also able to choose what wood should your organ be made of, what type of keyboard (Wooden, High quality handmade tracker action keyboards) and also to choose what kind of pedalboard you want as well as and other many features , which you can see in the website.

Sound Samples: http://www.contentorgels.nl/newsDtls.aspx?id=21

Content Organs has and more models, custom made, but the Mondri Pastorale series are my favorites.

So what do you think?

Personally, i would rather buy a 3 manual 53 stop high quality organ (with quite good sound) rather than a 2 manual 10 stop Phoenix organ, which will cost twice as much.



New member
Electric/Digital Organs...Where to Begin?

I am a Mezzo Soprano, Choir Director & Pianist who has always played pipe organs in wonderful repair at churches I've attended. I am so very spoiled. Until now.
I have just moved to a wonderful congregation with a great grand piano. They are really in need of an instrument with a wonderful organ sound. I will probably have to buy it myself and will definitely consider used.

I do not know anything about synthesizers and digital organs/pianos.
Can someone give me a place to start?
The organ we have is very old, and has speakers inside. Too overpowering for the choir and director which are very nearby, but won't reach the opposite side of the sanctuary. Where do I start?
I need a wonderful pipe organ sound (don't we all?) with speakers I suppose that are not only in the cabinet.

Please help me.




New member
Looking for a good digital

To Valkyrie,

If you are looking for the truest sound of pipes, check out Covenant Organs. I have sound that sampling just doesn't do it. Individual stops may sound decent, but the warmth and ensemble just isn't there. Covenant does not use sampling (recordings of pipes played back), they use generated sounds but with the warmth, clarity, and ensemble of choruses. You can literally build pipes on the computer. I have been a church organist for 41 years, and I have never heard any non-pipe organ (digital or analog) do what these organs do. It is the only system that I would even consider integrating with real pipes. Check 'em out at www.covenantorgans.com. You'll be glad you did.

Have a great evening,
I am a Mezzo Soprano, Choir Director & Pianist who has always played pipe organs in wonderful repair at churches I've attended. I am so very spoiled. Until now.
I have just moved to a wonderful congregation with a great grand piano. They are really in need of an instrument with a wonderful organ sound. I will probably have to buy it myself and will definitely consider used.

I do not know anything about synthesizers and digital organs/pianos.
Can someone give me a place to start?
The organ we have is very old, and has speakers inside. Too overpowering for the choir and director which are very nearby, but won't reach the opposite side of the sanctuary. Where do I start?
I need a wonderful pipe organ sound (don't we all?) with speakers I suppose that are not only in the cabinet.

Please help me.



Well , if you can buy real pipes do it, but if not, i have two companies to suggest.

The first is Phoenix Organs, which have magnificent sounds and quality and has competitive prices.
Another nice company is content organs, which have a more European sound and dont have the sound immaculancy that Phoenix have (in a good way though, as you feel like playing like lets say in an older organ). Content also has really nice consoles which remind positif organs.


New member
Hello Walkyrie,

As far as I have read on many forums, you will get many different advices about which organ has the best sound.

If I may, I would tell you some "research tips":
About modern electronic organs that are brand new nowadays: know that there are two concurrent technologies to create the note: sampling and synthesis. For example, Johannus uses sampling technology, as well as up-to-now Viscount models (i.e. except the "Physis" models).
In fact, for those using sampling, you will find arguments are about the length of samples, the number of samples, and some modifications to simulate "wind effect", etc...
For those using modelling or synthesis, you will find different hardware or software used (Musicom, customed musicom software or (it seems) completely new and patented Physis modelling for Viscount). Please note also that, for the same brand (for example Viscount), expanders can be modelling sound whereas organs use samples.

Those who choose pipe modelling technology will say that only this technology can make you feel the "ensemble sound", with pipes influencing each others when played simultaneously. However, it seems that "samples addicts" have found also the way to model this with samples.

I don't know which one is the best. Even if you were sure about the number of keyboards and pedalboard disposition, about the stops you want, there are also so many things that must be taken into account that it will be difficult to choose: woodwork used for the console, amplifiers and speakers numbers, speakers disposition, keyboard quality...

If you can listen to these different organs, it will be better! :)


I always liked the Johannus. I played a 3 MANUEL model for a number of years in the 1980's at an Episcopal Chmurch and was very satisfied with it's sound and performance. Recent models I have listened to lately..still sound good and I believe you might be able to find an oldedr used one used one.. Go to: Daffur organs.com and they might be able to help your in your search.
I've played a number of different brands, although not Phoenix, and I've played around with Hauptwerk a couple of times. Honestly, for home use, I would take a good hard look at Hauptwerk. If you're from the US, you may have heard of Walker Technical from Pennsylvania. Second only to M&O in my opinion, but very pricey. I used to play an all Walker digital organ in Ajax, Canada. Do a YouTube search for lastcorpsestanding and some posts of that organ come up. That being said, my experience with HW is that it is coming very close to Walker.

HW is expandable, and quite flexible. And that style of system may become the new norm for digital organs in the near future. Check out the listening room at Milan Digital Audio, or do some YouTube searches.

If you look around the forums here, you'll also see other HW style systems that are talked about in depth.

Phoenix can do a HW style system using their own samples. I'm currently looking at that solution for my present church. Have fun looking.