Compositions by Max Reger...


Commodore de Cavaille-Coll
I have been listening to alot of Reger recently and I really am quite enamoured of most of his creations. His piano concerti, violin concerto, and of course his organ works are real gems in their own right. His Fantasie on *Wachet Auf...* sends me. I subbed for a friend during a Christmas service and played as a postlude the *fugue movement* from *Wachet Auf* and many stayed for the whole movement. It really rocks!!! The driving rhythm is irrepressable and from the end of measure 165 to 177 of the fugue movement, one gets goosebumps all over. I know when I heard those measures for the first time in Ingolstadt it made me get up from the pew and stand at attention. I was so spellbound.


Giovanni :tiphat:

Art Rock

Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Greta and neglected composer. I love his organ compositions and the four tone poems after Boecklin.


Staff member
Benedictus is a favorite of mine - such a peaceful work, but so full of emotion, too.

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern is another. The only audio recording I have of this composition is performed by Carlo Curly. I have the music, and it's on my perpetual list to learn eventually.


New member
Reger was a conservative composer. Compare his music with that of R. Strauss and even the late Mahler!