• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Organ shoes


New member
Crocs are made of rubber allright but they are more like plastic shoes
and they give just as if you were not wearing shoes on the organ and
they don't stick like with other rubber soles like on sneakers for example.
This shoe fad shoe is a organist dream because they are just the right
size. They are not bulky like house shoes or boots. They hug the pedals
when you play them and not stick. They glide as you play. They are
perfect for my feet to play the organ.
judy tooley


New member
There really is no right or wrong in this- It's a case of what works for you that matters.


New member
I've had many pairs of Capizios. I like how you get good feeling and feedback through the sole and the heel is low. But the sole seperates from the tops on the inside at the ball after about two our three years. And I've had the heels come off. I don't like Organmasters as much because they have a higher heel and less feel through the sole. They definatly do last alot longer. I am pretty used to skateboard shoes because thats what I always wore out on service calls. I was usually monkey up inside doing voicing or tuning, but when we were done I would always have to come down and make sure the tutti button worked ok.


New member
I find a cheaper alternative to organ shoes are dance shoes.... very light, flexible and smooth on the sole. The small heel helps tremendously when heeling and toeing


New member
I've heard of organists who liked to play in dancing shoes. Are there any particular brands to be recommended? Has anyone tried "Tictactoes"?
I ask because my teacher is looking for a pair.


Staff member
Looked at the Capezio site ... there are many different "models" of shoes - which is the one you like to use, Mush?


New member
I find a cheaper alternative to organ shoes are dance shoes.... very light, flexible and smooth on the sole. The small heel helps tremendously when heeling and toeing

Something like ballet shoes? They're made like that and I'm not talking about
toe shoes for ballet but the soft ones like I learned in as a little girl. They do
come in all sizes.
judy tooley


New member
Oh! I know what you are saying. Ladies tap shoes look like Mary Janes
with a bit of a high heal. I hope I didn't make you mad. I was just kidding!
Remember the sandal oxfords? They would work if you can still find them.
judy tooley


New member
John, I had to laugh at that one:lol:. That one was funny. I guess I
will have to find new use for my organ shoes or wait until all of this Easter
is over to talk about it again. My Candies will still be in the little bag until
judy tooley


New member
I have never tried special organ shoes for playing the pedals. I've always just played in my stocking feet. As big as my gunboats are, I would probably hit five or six keys at once if I wear shoes. So I go on and on in my socks.

It's kinda embarassing though, when I get up to go to the communion rail, and then remember I left my shoes safely next to the console (and it's probably not so nice for the communicants on either side of me...:eek:).



New member
Ever played the organ in crocs? They're not so hard on your feet
because they are made of soft plastic. They will bend with your
feet as you touch the pedals with you toes and feet.
judy tooley