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    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Strange Wedding Music Request...


New member
We were married in our riding arena with bride, groom, best man, bride's maid and minister all mounted on horses. The reception was a pizza and beer party - great fun!

The organ was not yet installed, so we did not have music.

It sounds like the music would be a good selection and something everyone will enjoy.


New member
if it was up to me, my wedding would have been something like a beach wedding and a barbeque, but our parents kinda pressured us into a "nicer" wedding...we ended up having it on the boat, which was fun:grin:

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Dear CT64,

Your *original* gallows humour does add a certain *piquant* nuance to this thread. I get the feeling that you yourself got hung at high-noon by a lady who got *cold feet*.

Empathetically yours,

CD :alc::alc::alc::alc:


New member
I had one of those mothers with the I want it my way or else attitude.
Mine! The future mother-in-law was no different. My future husband
and I wanted an outdoor wedding but we wound up marring in church.
judy tooley


New member
Thats how parents are, they want whats best, but they dont always know what it is. In our case it was unfortunate, cause parents ended up paying much more than what they would have if we had done it our way ;)
but oh well, stuff happens. The important part is that the wedding happened, lols ;)


Admiral of Fugues
Never make assumptions about anyone Corno!!

In Australia we sing "here comes the bride; fair, fat and wide. Slipped on a banana peel and went for a ride" to a tune by Wagner, hence my banana reference ... obviously went over some heads.
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New member
We use to sing "Here comes the bride 60 inches wide, here comes the vicar 60 inches thicker.

Mine was an arranged marriage, I arranged it.



Admiral of Fugues
And, just to put the record straight (er bad word choice) I'm am forbidden from marriage in Australia because I live in a country with that has no regard for same sex unions (unlike Canada, England, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, et cetera, et cetera).


New member
ooh, come on over to San Francisco, CT ;) It is now allowed here, we'll celebrate together ;):grin::grin:


Admiral of Fugues
Muza - yeah, it's been in the news here (the fact that (gay) San Franciscans all galloped to city hall and were wed in the guzillions, then it was banned, then a constitutional expert got on his/her/its soap box and "read the riot act" and, ipso facto they're all married again). Did I get that right?


New member
Well they are allowed to marry over here. It has been legal for a while, one of the first couples being Elton John and David Furnish.



Admiral of Fugues
Muza - until Australia and the United States have a free to move between and work policy (which isn't going to happen soon) I'm not. I would otherwise, in a flash. Far too many crappy Aussies taking up your lime light (Kidman, Crowe (who's actually a Kiwis), Hogan, et cetera).


New member
I was unaware of that. So many of my friends went to Australia (back in school that is), that i never really though about it..., but now that im thinking it makes sense. so what are some situations when you could come? travel, work, school?


Admiral of Fugues
Muza - I'd come to the States in a flash because three of my BEST friends live there. One in Los Angeles, CA and the other two in Rochester, NY. So, in answer, on vacation, of course. And, having you in San Francisco is an incentive I reckon ...