Sex and the City - a male help line


New member
lols, that is funny! Although I dont really get what the big deal is, to men or women alike.
To women: Why would you even want your husband/boyfriend to go see it? Get a posse of girls and have a night on a town! Dont have any friends? Stop hanging out in online forums and chat rooms - go out! ;)

To men: Whatever happened to compromise? We dont always want to go and see James Bond or Fight Club or whatever!

Anyhow...has anyone seen it by the way? ;)


New member
Well I haven't seen it. I never saw the tv programme either.

It is good for men to have something to watch, and women something else.

Why should men worry? The film is for whoever wants to watch it.



New member
I used to like to watch SATC but not on a constant basis. The story lines could be quite diverse and that is why I liked it. I wasn't sorry to see it go, as most shows tend to get rather "long in the tooth" after a while. I was surprised to see they made a movie about it, but then, look at Pirates of the Carribean...a movie about a Disney ride. (x3). Not to mention all the comic books made into film...I will see the movie, but only after it is on satellite. :) But then, I used to be a HUGE Dynasty fan...never missed an episode.
