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    Frederik Magle


Paul Jacobs At Crystal Palace...


Staff member
Bravo :clap: Bravo :clap:
What a splendid performance on a wonderful organ, the 6th largest in the world.
278 ranks, 17,106 pipes.

I've been there and heard this fantastic organ in person ... a wonderful experience indeed.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
What did Dr. Schuller once say: *We now have an organ thats designed by a Fox and played by a Swann* :grin::grin::grin:


New member
He probably didn't mention that it was also built on the backs of all the little old ladies that send in $20 every month, as they continuously beg on the program. Yes, I know, that organ was supposedly a gift from some lady in Chicago. But if you have ever been to the place and seen the layout all over their "campus", you know that a lot of pockets helped out. There is at least one other four-manual organ someplace in the mix besides the one in the glass house, which, incidentally, is reputed to have horrible acoustics.

As you may guess, I'm not very big on most of these TV preachers. What ever happened to Coral Ridge Presbyterian? Remember them?

But I digress. This is supposed to be about pipe organs!!

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Yes, many have donated but people have free will. Some have no problem in giving after hearing a charismatic speaker come on TV. Hey, look whats happening in the Presidential campaigns - people give after hearing this or that candidate. Ain't nobody holding no gun to nobody's head and demanding money for politics or pipe organs.

Btw, the *back-bone* of the Crystal Palace organ came from, if my memory serves me, Aeolian Hall in New York.


New member
Your are totally right, and I'm not putting down the givers. If anything, it's the receivers that I wonder about. So many of these outfits come across as little empires largely under the thumb of ONE individual. And when that individual is no longer on the scene, nobody quite knows what to do. That's why I mentioned Coral Ridge.

It might be worth mentioning that there are countless churches with websites that can be visited with a nod to Google or whatever search engine you use. I've even picked cities and put in stuff like First Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, or what have you. And you can always bet that, if they have an organ worth mentioning, they WILL.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Coral Ridge's most influential speaker reposed sometime ago. They are realigning their ministries to reflect the new circumstances. Crystal Palace won't be the same when Dr. Schuller has entered the Church Eternal. Yes, his son tries very hard but there will be a realignment. Even big corporations go down on hard times if their leader was motivational and he/she is plucked away from them. What is that about *Change* I hear?


Staff member
. . . There is at least one other four-manual organ someplace in the mix besides the one in the glass house . . .

Yes there is ... it's installed in their former church sanctuary.

I'm thinking it was a gift of Frederick Swann, but could be wrong.


New member
wow , what an organist Paul Jacobs is, where is the shredder for my music, about time I gave up after listening to that !!!!!

Intersingly Carlo Curley plays the same arrangement on you tube on Lincoln Cathedral, and includes tubas and all sorts !!!!!!


New member
Yes, Dr. Kennedy is no longer with us. I even watched his funeral at the church. And a certain former organist was at the console.

As for the glass house, there are stories that "Junior" just doesn't have the charisma, if that's the word, that Dad had in his day. But since those places are pretty much tourist attractions as as much as anything else, I'm sure they will go on.

Can you imagine the consternation when Widor retired? Of course, they had Dupre waiting in the wings. So change does occur, in spite of our best efforts or wishes.
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