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    Frederik Magle


What sort of registration should I use for the BWV565


New member
On my Grandads little organ I can't seem to deside what sort of registration to use for the Toccata on BWV565. Here are the stops that are found on it;

Upper manual; 16' flute 16' horn 16' cello
8' flute 16' trombone 8' strings
4' flute 8' trumpet

Lower manual; 8' diapason 8' horn
8' melodia 8' viola.

Thats it folks, thats te show. pretty small hey, but its ever so cutte.


New member
You don't mention anything about a pedalboard. If it's one of those with one octave of pedals, you're out of luck for 565, or for that matter, much of anything else.

That upper manual looks a bit over-loaded with 16'. I'd suggest using this to practice notes (senza pedale) until you can graduate to something with a few more resources.


New member
I understand the surcumstances, however, Never mind the facts and just try to hepl me out. The pedals are all token care of so you don't have to worry about that.


New member
Most likely, you're best off to stick to the diapasons and flutes. (Melodia is a flute stop). Organs of Bach's day didn't have much or anything in the way of strings. But I still say that you are mainly using it to practice the notes, so with such few resources, I don't think the speciic choosings really matter much.


Staff member
. . . But I still say that you are mainly using it to practice the notes, so with such few resources, I don't think the specific choosing's really matter much.

I concur with that completely. The late Virgil Fox once told me that there were instances, while on tour, his only option for practicing was on a small home spinet organ ... it was the rehearsing of the notes that mattered the most, the repetition of the fingers, not the organs tonal resources or lack thereof. I rehearse lots of organ music on my piano at home, sans the pedal.

Can you five us a little history on this organ, like its builder or age?


New member
There isn't really any history at all, infact its my grandfathers organ, and it is electronic almost 20 years old. He's had it for a long time. I like to play on it when i visit him in England.

You can call me Andrew, hence its my real name.


Staff member
There isn't really any history at all, infact its my grandfathers organ, and it is electronic almost 20 years old. He's had it for a long time. I like to play on it when i visit him in England.

You can call me Andrew, hence its my real name.

Thank you, Andrew.

Do you know which electronic brand it is?


Interesting.. I would leave the 16' out or only one for sure otherwise too muddy a sound. IN these circumstances You can always move c1 to c2 and start. That will help remove the muddy sound somewhat: but may throw you off for later performances . Be nice to hear it played out of curiousity. Good luck