• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

    In order to post a new topic - or reply to existing ones - you may join and become a member by clicking on Register New User. It's completely free and only requires a working email address (in order to confirm your registration - it will never be given away!). We strive to make this a friendly and informative forum for anyone interested in pipe organs and organ music.

    (Note: If you wish to link to and promote your own website please read this thread first.)

    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Monster organ book


I planned, for my personal needs, to gather all my scores for organ in a single work because a big book is cheaper than several small ones. But I quickly realized that it would not be possible. My publisher limits me to 400 pages and I have already reached 125 pages with only the sixth of my compositions.

This first book is still at an evolutionary stage, it is going to grow certainly again in the next days, but it will be at any time open to the public. To see it, you can go to http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/monster-organ-book/6658293

Je comptais, pour mes besoins personnels, réunir toutes mes partitions pour orgue en un seul ouvrage car un gros livre est plus économique que plusieurs petits. Mais je me suis vite rendu compte que ce ne serait pas possible. Mon éditeur me limite à 400 pages et j'ai déjà atteint 125 pages avec seulement un sixième de mes compositions.
Ce premier livre est encore au stade évolutif, il va certainement encore grandir dans les jours prochains, mais il sera à tout moment accessible au public. Pour le voir, rendez-vous à http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/monster-organ-book/6658293


Edition 01a is today : 27 pieces - 161 pages


  • Passacaille en Ut mineur
  • Marche Nuptiale du Soldat
  • Toccata negra
  • Choral en Si mineur
  • Toccata en Sol mineur
  • Offertoire
  • Jonesey's Wedding March
  • Marche Nuptiale en Sol majeur
  • Prelude en Mi bémol majeur
  • German Bride March
  • Preludium en Ut majeur
  • Adagio en Fa mineur
  • Prélude en Fa mineur
  • By the River of Leipzig
  • O Man bemoan much more your grevious sins
  • Fugue en Ré mineur Dorienne
  • Marche Nuptiale d'Émilie
  • Marche des Morts
  • Passacaille Chromatique
  • Trumpet Tune
  • Marche Royale en Ré majeur
  • Passacaille en Sol mineur


A small picture of the new cover. The previous one was not very nice.




The book volume 1 is completed.
333 pages and 62 organ musics,some are easy, some are difficult.
May be it can find a place in your organ library


Staff member
I ordered mine on April 28th ... just got an email that my order was shipped on May 1st. That's superb service for sure!! I'm looking forward to delving into this compilation of great works by Jean-Paul.

So this is volume 1? That means there will be more volumes forthcoming? Woohoo :clap:


Dear Krumhorn
Thanks for your interest for my musics. The service of Lulu is very good. Anybody can publish is own book and it is very professionnal. I have allready published more than 30 books in two storefronts ; organ musics and compositions for wind-wood orchestra and military band.

Lulu's delivery time is a litle long (2 or 3 weeks) but the quality is there. For my country (france), the books are printed in Spain. If they had to cross the ocean delivery time would be 2 or 3 monthes at the same speed.

There will be a volume two as I have allready written more than 120 pieces for pipe organ and a lot of musics are still waiting in my head.

Tonight, I'll post in this forum my composition number 123. It is less my job than albinoni's work, but I have played to bring it some changes. Very fun, now we have Adagio number 2.


Staff member
Woohoo!! My Monster Organ Book arrived today :clap:

For those in the US, this ships from Raleigh, NC.

Very nice quality book with heavy paper pages and excellent print quality. I'm looking forward to perusing this book tomorrow at my normal weekly practice session.

I will be looking forward to Vol II when it is released.



I have received this mail from my publisher :
your book has been selected for listing on Amazon.com's Marketplace! As a result, your book will now be easily found on the world's largest online bookseller.
So, you can find it also here


  1. vpx009 Corum Magnus
  2. vpx010 Rem in Hortem
  3. vpx012 Paganus Faminor
  4. vpx015 Passacaille en Ut mineur
  5. vpx016 La Petite Église (fugue)
  6. vpx017 Marche Nuptiale du Soldat
  7. vpx018 Contre Marche en Mi mineur
  8. vpx019 Toccata negra
  9. vpx022 Transigo Platea
  10. vpx025 Choral en Si mineur
  11. vpx026 Toccata en Sol mineur
  12. vpx027 Choral de Noël – thème
  13. vpx028 Choral de Noël – variation I
  14. vpx029 Choral de Noël – variation II
  15. vpx030 Choral de Noël – variation III
  16. vpx031 Choral de Noël – variation IV
  17. vpx032 Choral de Noël – variation V
  18. vpx033 Choral de Noël – variation VI
  19. vpx034 Offertoire
  20. vpx037 Chaconne en Ré mineur Dorien
  21. vpx038 Jonesey's Wedding March
  22. vpx040 Marche Nuptiale en Sol majeur
  23. vpx041 Prélude en Mi mineur
  24. vpx042 Trio en Mi mineur
  25. vpx043 Fugue en Mi mineur
  26. vpx046 Prélude en Mi bémol majeur
  27. vpx048 Toccata en Ut mineur
  28. vpx049 German Bride March
  29. vpx055 Prélude en Ut majeur
  30. vpx056 Prière pour Philippe
  31. vpx062 Giorno della Fellicita
  32. vpx063 Mattin Felice
  33. vpx065 Variation sur « Det dufter lysegront af graes »
  34. vpx066 Entrez dans ma Maison
  35. vpx067 Toi qui m'attendais
  36. vpx068 Oraison
  37. vpx069 Danish Elegy
  38. vpx071 Old French Song
  39. vpx072 Toccata Notturna
  40. vpx073 Lithanie
  41. vpx075 Cantilene
  42. vpx084 Adagio en Fa mineur
  43. vpx086 Prélude en Fa mineur
  44. vpx087 By the River of Leipzig
  45. vpx091 O Man Bemoan Your Grevious Sins
  46. vpx096 Rétroccata et Fugue en Ré mineur
  47. vpx098 Fugue en Ré mineur Dorienne
  48. vpx099 Marche Nuptiale d'Émilie
  49. vpx100 Marche des Morts
  50. vpx103 Marche Funèbre Baroque
  51. vpx104 Marche Funèbre de CHOPIN style J-S BACH
  52. vpx106 Adagio de la suite ZIEGLER
  53. vpx107 Finale de la suite ZIEGLER
  54. vpx110 Passacaille Chromatique
  55. vpx111 Trumpet Tune
  56. vpx112 Rocamadour Trumpets Voluntary
  57. vpx115 Marche Royale en Ré majeur
  58. vpx116 Passacaille en Sol mineur
  59. vpx118 Préludes n°1 pour « Ein Faeste Borg »
  60. vpx119 Préludes n°2 pour « Ein Faeste Borg »
  61. vpx120 Rachael's Song
  62. vpx121 Toccata funèbre