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    Frederik Magle


Hymn performance from Iceland


New member
Here comes a new recording from my new audio recorder (ZOOM H2) in a church in Reykjavik. This is a famous hymn in Europe but I can't remember the English name of it, but in Icelandic it is called "Fögur er foldin" (Eng. translation: Beautiful is the earth). Here's a photograph of the organ, which was build by Icelandic organ builder.


Here's the audio file - Enjoy!

Comments are appreciated!


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Very nicely performed. And the organ is quite impressive, too. I'm still amazed by the quality you can get with this Zoom thing.

Got one question about the last chord. Did you play a seventh there or is it just my ears?



New member
Splendid recording! The English words I remember being sung to this tune began "How pleased and blest was I".


New member
I think you'll find that most Protestants know that hymn tune as "Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature".

It's interesting how hymn tunes can vary from one place to another, and sometimes they can replace each other, if the meter fits the music. The one we know as "Love Divine, all loves excelling" has been fit to at least two or three different tunes, one of which is also known as "Jesus, what a Friend to sinners".

There is also a completely different version of "The Lord's Prayer", at least if one is to believe the Tabernacle Choir. It may be that the other tune has a Mormon origin, but Im not certain.
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Staff member
Hi Stefan,

Beautiful recording ... these Zoom machines are absolutely terrific for their size and price.

We know the tune here as "Beautiful Savior" ... a nice rendition of the hymn.
What was the reed stop you used?

A very nice instrument overall ... how many ranks?


New member
Mat, thank you! The last chords where IV-iV-I ... could be that the little out of tune stops were trouble your ears. :)

jhnbrbr, thank you!

dll927, thank you for your information! Yes, it is very interesting how the hymn tunes vary around the world... but hey it just makes the hymns even more interesting. :D

Krummhorn, thank you! Yes, I love mine - I just wonder why I didn't get it earlier hehe... :D

The organ is 17 ranks + Tremolo, yes it is very nice and works beautifully in the space. I would liked to have the swell little bit higher because it can be too much in your face if you play loud stops there.
There are 3 reed stops in the organ, Trumpet 8' on Hauptwerk, Krummhorn 8' on the Swell and a Fagott 16' in pedal. I used two of these stops, now guess hehe... ;)

Again, thanks alot for your comments - I really appreciate it! :)

Over and out. :D


Staff member
. . . There are 3 reed stops in the organ, Trumpet 8' on Hauptwerk, Krummhorn 8' on the Swell and a Fagott 16' in pedal. I used two of these stops, now guess hehe... ;)

Okay ... I'll bite ... the Krummhorn 8' in the 2nd verse, and added with the Fagott 16' the final verse.

If it was the Krummhorn, its attack and release was not as "sticky" sounding as most I've heard here in the US, but I'm certainly not criticizing your local builder in any way - if it was the Krummhorn, the sound on this organ is quite unique, and certainly matches and compliments the rest of the ensemble nicely.

Now, if it was the 8' Trumpet stop used ... :rolleyes:

What is the metal sculpture symbolic of that's to the right of the organ case?
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New member
Fairest Lord Jesus! I love that song and the way it's played gives it
a special style. Thanks for recording it. Nice organ. It looks similar
to the size that one is at my church. They are both pretty.
judy tooley


Yes Fairest Lord Jesus is the name I am used too. Love the sound of full organ on third verse. Nice installation. Thanks


New member
Okay ... I'll bite ... the Krummhorn 8' in the 2nd verse, and added with the Fagott 16' the final verse.


Now, if it was the 8' Trumpet stop used ... :rolleyes:

What is the metal sculpture symbolic of that's to the right of the organ case?
Krummhorn, you got one right. :) The 2nd verse use in fact the Trumpet 8' and the swell has accompaniment. The Fagott 16' was indeed added for the final verse.

That sculpture is for candles but I don't know if it has another "deeper" meaning. :)

Thanks Judy and wljmrbill for your kind comments. :)


New member
I still love this hymn when I hear it. Here's a picture of the organ at
my church. The one in your picture and the picture of the Methodist
church organ are about the same size. They're just built different.
judy tooley


New member
Thank you Judy for the picture, seems to be fine organ you have there. :)

This is one of my favorite hymn. :)


New member
Falcon 1 - great result with the H2 ... I tried recording on mine the other day as I was listening to (and had the permission to record) a great Organist playing at Salisbury Cathedral.
I set the H2 up in the Choir stalls and tried a quick test recording as he was sampling different stops.

The results I got can only be described politely as 'burbling' ... I have the unit set to record 128k and to give me an MP3 ... what other settings do I need?.

Where am I going wrong with this unit?


New member
Thanks Jonesey. :)

What microphone pattern (2 channel front/rear or 4 channel) did you use? If you used the former, did you make sure that if for example 2 channel front was chosen to have the front side of the H2 face the organ?

Also what sensitivity did you use (low/mid/hi)?


New member
Hi Falcon1,

I used a 2 channel front configuration, and it was pretty much placed facing one set of the pipes (this Cathedral had pipes each side of the choir and I was towards one wall with the microphone facing the opposite pipes).

I tried low and medium sensitivity but ended up with the same burbling results!!.

I would upload it, but the Organist I recorded specifically asked me not to upload his playing if I did a recording, and just to keep it for my own listening.

I will try recording an organ closer to home and upload the results if I still get the problem.


New member
Update - as usual, it was user error!!!! ... I had the bit rate too low and when recording at a decent rate, the results are very nice.

Got a nice recording of a piece of Mozart - might put it up on a web site and link to it.


New member
I had the bit rate too low and when recording at a decent rate, the results are very nice.

Got a nice recording of a piece of Mozart - might put it up on a web site and link to it.
Ah... why didn't I think of that. :eek:

Looking forward to hear the Mozart piece. :)