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    Frederik Magle


GrandOrgue 0.2 Beta released for testing...


New member
.organ file to share

I found it very helpful to study other people's .organ files when setting up my own. I'm willing to share mine if anyone would find it helpful. Just send me an email address.



New member

I've tried varying the latency over a fairly wide range, but it doesn't seem to have an effect. Any suggestions about how to set it? I'm using a Dell 3GHz/2MB with an M-Audio Audiphile 2496 sound card.

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New member
Hi Bob,
I'm assumng you're using the Windows version? If so, are you using the DirectSound or ASIO audio drivers? You will not notice much difference in latency with the DirectSound, but you should be noticing differences with ASIO.


New member
Yes, it's Windows and ASIO sound. I've noticed that the latency seems to somehow set itself at 12 ms; if I alter it, click OK, then open the audio settings again, it has ignored my change and gone back to 12 ms. How do I get it to retain the change?



New member
Hi Bob,
Does your ASIO driver have a configuration panel? If so then you can change the settings there and that should change the estimated latency in the GrandOrgue Audio panel.


New member


Thanks! Yes, it does. There are several settings available from 64 to 2048 samples (GO doesn't like it set above 1024). I've tried it from 64 to 1024 and it sets estimated latency from 3ms to 46 ms. The sound card produces a pop-up when you set this field indicating that if it's set too low, you may get pops or clicks; if set too high, the program may become overwhelmed. I tried 64, 1024 and a couple in between - didn't get any pops/clicks or other problems at any setting - even playing fat chords with all stops drawn. So I just chose 512 as a middle ground (resulting in 23 ms). Seems to work OK.

One thing I have noticed is that when operating the swell pedal, I can barely hear slight clicks as controller messages are sent, but only with headphones on. Not a problem, but I'm going to try putting snap-on ferrites on each end of the midi line to see if that resolves it.



New member

It's mostly from the Brut-Leuchten Organ (itself a hybrid), but also stops pulled from Zion, Jeux, Prudhoe and Enigma. I also have the Ott and "Birthday" sets but don't use them, as they are very limited. "Chimes" from Leo Christoferson [they are nice, but I'd still like to have real chimes some day.] 31 stops total, plus three trems (1 on the swell, 2 on the choir), 4 generals plus cancel, three couplers, and gt-to-pd rev. I tried to stick with the Rodger's original registration, but made a few deviations: the 16' Pd Diapason is really a 16' Posuane; the "Chorus Effect" tab is now a Nazard on the great; the Clarinet on the Choir is a Fagotto - decent by itslef, but I'd still like to find a free/cheap clarinet or maybe vox humana; and the "Chiff" effect on the choir is now a Celeste - which is VERY nice when used with the Gedeckt 8' and/or Dulciana 8'. These are all dry-ish, but not completely dead, sets which sound good in my condo. I tried a couple of the wet Enigma sets, but they sounded like they were in a cave. I've done a lot of swapping in and out, and have finally - pretty much - settled on this group. I'm still tinkering with levels on the stops, but they are close. I'd like to spend less time playing with the organ and more time playing it. The analog part of the organ still plays completely and in the midst of this project I've had to track down and replace a couple of leaky keyer diodes. For a 40+-year-old organ it still performs remarkably well. I've read posts from people who say that once the VPO is running, you'll never use the analog again. But for short sessions, it's still nice, and there's no start-up time. When starting this project, I considered gutting the Rodgers and going all-digital, would have been technically easier. Glad I didn't. It's like having two organs. I could arrange it to play both organs at once with some audio work, but I don't plan to do that. I've also managed to keep things compatible with the Yamaha keyboard, so the Rodgers can drive the synth in it (but not the VPO at the same time). I've rambled.



New member
Hi Bob,
I'm looking at converting a theatre organ sample set (based on Wurlitzer recordings by John Tay) to GrandOrgue and it has a Clarinet rank and a Vox Humana... would you be interested in experimenting with it? This would only be sometime next year... Your analogue/digital sounds like it is coming together nicely, so I wish you well in your playing :)


New member
Certainly! Please let me know when it's available.

Also, a curiosity: When holding a note which has a percussive stop drawn, and drawing another stop, the percussive stop re-sounds.



New member

One of the icons at the top of the GrandOrgue screen is "memory." What does it remember?



New member
Hi Bob, it sets the Memory Level (If you're using the latest GrandOrgue 0.2 Beta you can hover over the icon and it will say 'Memory Level'). GrandOrgue has 100 levels of memory - meaning that you can set your Divisional and General Pistons for memory level '1', then raise the memory level to '2' and set them completely differently, etc.

Hope that helps :)


I've now got the Farfisa KB connected via a Midi/USB converter cable, have GO running with the Stiehr-Mockers set. the split KB runs the pedals and Great, but I don't seem top be able to operate any stops, except for "all off".

Midi ox is showing codes coming in for the settings I'm entering on the keyboard, I've tried mapping them to various midi yoke channels (taking the numbers from the Settings display in GO)

Midi ox display (ignoring timestamp column

9 .. 2 .....C0 ...... xx ......00 ...... 1 .... --- ... PC -- sound xx
9 .. 2 .....B0 .......7B ......00 ......1 ..... --- ... ALL NOTES OFF
9 .. 2 .....B0 .......7B ......00 ......1 ..... --- ... ALL NOTES OFF
9 .. 3 ..... B1 ...... 7B ......00 ...... 2 ... --- ... ALL NOTES OFF

IN port 9 is the USB audio, Ports 2 & 3 correspond to Midiyoke 1 & 2

I have tried interpreting CO in Midi ox as Ctrl, & ProgChg in the Mapping/Translation settings and redirecting to channel 5 or 6, tried discarding the B0 and B1 Note off signals.

No stops change except to deselect those I select with the mouse.


Or do I have to ditch the USB/Midi cable and get a 15way Dtype; come to think of it not sure if this machine even has a game port socket.


New member
Hi Mike,
What MIDI channel have you configured Stop changes to in the Midi Settings screen in GreandOrgue? Once you are sending Stop change commands through on that channel you should simply have to right click on a Stop on the GrandOrgue console, click on the 'Listen for event' button and activate the button you're using for the Stop change... that should create the 'hook up' between your midi and GrandOrgue. Don't forget to save once all your stops are configured.

If I missunderstood what you are trying to do, please try asking your question again :)



Even more fun today, I tried to run things on my other PC (Identical machine) but Midiox can't see the USB audio input at all, tried reinstalling midiox, the USB audio driver rebooted the PC all to no avail.

Reason for trying to swap PCs, I use one for Web and photography work, the other mainly for audio (most days it just streams last.fm) plus it sits in a corner a bit less accessible (and further from the heating radiator).

The keyboard generates control and programme change messages 3 buttons which select the "sound banks" and functions (K/B split, chord, vibrato, reverb, sustain etc) the sound bank and function are then selected using a numeric keypad.

Selecting a sound bank generates C0 (hex) plus the value entered on the keypad, immediately followed by B0 plus 7B "All notes off" then B1 7B.

Selecting a function performs action on the keyhoard, but only sends B0 7B and B1 7B

Think I may have sussed it, C0 is prog change for channel 1, so setting stop change for Cx on channel 1 selects a stop, I'm having to do Hexadecimal conversions for some of the codes, and it looks as though numbers are offset down 1, so to slect stop 48 I have to key in 047. A number of stops appear to have the same numbers, selecting 047 lights 3 stops!!

I've also figured how to send C1 prog change channel 2, by selecting one of the "accompaniment" sound banks, 30 selections in all

None of the other buttons (percussion, style/rythm etc) seem to have any effect on the midi output

So it looks like the channels are limited, but I can cope with 127 stops!! so far I haven't sorted the couplers or the numbered buttons over the keys and pedals.

Still some progress.


Still no joy with Midi ox seeing the USB input on the other PC, I've joined the Midi ox forum and posted a query there.


New member
Hi Mike,
Could you give us a few more details as well... which USB MIDI cable is it? Does Windows 'see' the USB Audio (i.e. what is in the device manager in the Windows Control Panel?).

Hope it is sorted out soon,


The adapter cable is this one, power is derived from the USB port.


Appears in device manager on both PCs, parameters the same on both machines.

I've tried re-downloading Midi ox, also tried earlier version of midi ox. Compared the USB audio driver is the same on both machines. Tried different USB ports.

The Midi signals are transmitted in serial form, the channel numbers are part of the note on/off, control and prog change codes so in theory one could take the input direct from the USB port if there was a way of routing it through the PC to GO.

I have ordered another connector from Amazon to fit the 15 pin D type socket on the PC, see if that makes any difference!


One thing I have gained from coming back to VPOs after a few months break is I now have a better understanding of midi signal coding, so could well now be able to sort the problems I was having before in playing the instrument from Finalé Notepad.

Back to the drawing board!!


Found some useful info on Midi file coding

Basic details, covers headers, track defining data, event commands and note numbers.


The Hexadecimal editor I'm using is a free download


There are non free versions with more bells and whistles plus 24/7 support on the same site

Now where's me programmers hat?

Among the samples is there a stop sounding close to the following (opening bars of Gigout's Grande Choeur Dialogué -- anybody tempted to use it as a ring tone?)


  • gigoutrt.mp3
    194.3 KB · Views: 29


Further to the USB/midi not working on one PC, it's not only with Midi Ox, I tried a few other Midi monitoring apps and they don't see it either. Device manager recognises it when I plug it in and drop-s it when I unplug it, so it's getting lost somewhere.

My idea of trying an alternative connector to the 15 pin D type socket fell flat on it's face, these PCs don't have one, I'd noticed an unused socket, however it turns out to be the 9 pin RS232 connector, foiled again!!!!!!

No reply to my post on the Midi Ox forum either.