Recent content by Buttercup89

  1. Creating awareness: Vulvodynia

    I am trying to create a bit of awareness about a condition called vulvodynia. Vulvodynia is a condition that affect millions of women's lives, and yet it little known, possibly because it is somewhat difficult and for some embarrasing to discuss. It is estimated that 16% of women in America will...
  2. Me singing (please be gentle)

    Hello Magle Forum :) I've started posting some videos on youtube of me singing. It's all in my completely natural voice, no warm up (oops) and sitting down (tsk tsk) but I was hoping you guys would give me your honest, but constructive opinion anyways. :) My account is guiltfreemistress. Link...
  3. What's the best thing that happened to you today?

    Alrighty, title says it all: What was the best thing that happened to you today? I shall start off: I got an audition for a band! And I am completely overjoyed. They've already heard me sing, so getting this audition is actually a compliment, not just a random stroke of luck. :P So now I will...
  4. Hello world!

    As I have another hour to go before the bus leaves for work (shudder) I figure I should take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Josephine and I am a 20 year old singer, albeit not professionaly. A big part of my childhood has been spent in a series of choirs in churches as well as...