Recent content by ComposerRyan

  1. What are your favorite soundtracks from the movies?

    I just LOVE movie music and, someday, I would love to have the opportunity to compose for a movie. I realize that it is a HUGE dream, but I have a huge passion for all types of music, including movie music. In fact, my brothers and I want to make a movie someday (which would be a miracle) and...
  2. Questions for Frederick.

    members-ML-971-ML- This thread has been moved to "Area 51" (members only)
  3. Hi, I am new here to this forum!

    Hello everybody, My name is ComposerRyan and I am new here to this forum community! I found out about this great website through the SitePoint forums. This is a great forum and, as a website designer myself, I love the website design, it is just brilliant! Good work! With this said, I am...