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  1. Dulce et Decorum Est

    Hi, I hope I am at the right forum. I compose within the framework of a tonal/chromatic/melodic/harmonic/polyphonic/content/structure approach to composition, some would label it contemporary classical. It may be. Because of numerous reasons, I have focused nearly all of my energy on...
  2. Removing html codes and text

    So sorry for the redundancy. I had to get rid of some html code that showed up as text. Is there a way to just delete a posted message? JG
  3. Composer Introduction

    Hi everyone, I am a San Francisco-based composer and music producer. I am currently working on my 7th symphony for my 11th CD. I've scored music for dance, film, computer games, concerts, CDs, documentaries and animation. I am definitely an artistic "mutt", in the sense that I combine a...