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  1. Corno Dolce

    Goodbye America, wherever you are...

    Through my life I have gotten to know some great Americans as personal friends and I have very close contact with them despite Congress, Senate, and Administration trying to screw everything up. Now with Obama trumpeting about how the sanctions have hurt Russia, my Russian compatriots and I...
  2. Corno Dolce

    Silent film organ accompaniment...

    Dear friends, I just found this superb organ improvisation by Pierre Pincemaille for the silent film "Faust" from 1926 by Murnau. Msr. Pincemaille uses the glorious Cavaille-Coll at St. Ouen for the film:
  3. Corno Dolce

    A thought about sanctions on Russia...

    As a Yankee living in Moscow I am ashamed by the actions of the current US administration. You see, Russia lived through an epoch of militant agnosticism and atheism - The common Russians overthrew the evil Bolshevik empire in the early '90's when the Bolshevik successors were firing shells...
  4. Corno Dolce

    Evolution Tower...

    My wife and I are flabbergasted at the sensuality of the Evolution Tower - It is mind-boggling...And best of all, it is right here in Moscow:
  5. Corno Dolce

    Some introspective thoughts during these troubled times...

    What is freedom? This concept has key meaning for the Christian tradition. ‘Brethren, ye have been called unto liberty,’ says St. Paul (Gal 5:13). However, he does not mean freedom as moral anarchy but the liberation of the human person from the power of sin, of passions, of instincts; it is the...
  6. Corno Dolce

    Lets liven things up a bit on MIMF...

    For me, the term “atheist” is synonymous with irrational bigot, because it is predicated on the notion that one derives ones faith structure on being convinced that he has proven a negative: “there is no GOD!” they pound on the table while offering no empirical (or any type of objective)...
  7. Corno Dolce

    A nice concert piece...

    I came across this Dutch composer named Cor Kee the other day - I felt that this music should be known to a broader audience. It is performed on the romantic Ladegast organ in Schwerin Cathedral:
  8. Corno Dolce

    A hyper-reverberant cathedral acoustic space...

    Upon hearing this sound-capture, my mind just went crazy with notions of what an organ or human voice choir or symphonic brass ensemble would sound like in this space. The dimensions are: 237 metres in length 13 metres in height 9.4 metres in width It is built of concrete that is 18" thick...
  9. Corno Dolce

    Patriarchal Choir of Christ the Saviour Cathedral...

    Here is a concert from last year...Music entitled "Songs of Travel" by Vishnevsky who resides in Rachmaninov's city of Tambov...Please scroll forward to 15".30sec to avoid an extremely long-winded introduction:
  10. Corno Dolce

    Housing for people with little or no money...

    Everytime I see people who are homeless or houseless it irks me to no end. I have traveled in more than 100 countries on this God-given earth and have seen the same thing, whether it is Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Indonesia, India, Singapore, China, Japan, South Korea...Need I go on...
  11. Corno Dolce

    Friedrich Ladegast and Cavaille-Coll...

    In a previous posting I spoke of my becoming acquainted with an organ built by Ladegast in the Cathedral of Schwerin and that I now consider his craft to be equal, if not surpassing that of Cavaille-Coll. With further research into this titan of German organ building, I find that Albert...
  12. Corno Dolce

    In praise of Friedrich Ladegast...

    Having recently paid a visit to the city of Schwerin and trying out the organ in the Cathedral of Schwerin, I am now as enamoured about Ladegast's instruments as I am of Cavaille-Coll. Take a listen to this gem of an instrument with 84 stops - At times it'll erupt like a thunderous volcano...
  13. Corno Dolce

    Buxtehude "Sunshine in D-major" BuxWV139

    Since MIMF's contributor Bill shared an ear tickler by Bruhns I have to also submit a cheery piece of sunshine: Cheers to all... CD :tiphat:
  14. Corno Dolce

    Paco de Lucia has left us...

    A great artist and man has left us - He gave so much beauty but now he is gone and we are so much poorer because of it. PACO DE LUCIA - ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ (ETERNAL MEMORY)
  15. Corno Dolce

    Spine chillingly gorgeous music...

    I was listening to this the other day: Enjoy...I am sending it to my Choral Director Dr. Tolkachev now..........
  16. Corno Dolce

    A little new music....

    I have really enjoyed listen to this little gem of a work performed on a great instrument in a stupendous acoustic: Cheers..............
  17. Corno Dolce

    One more 7 manual organ to be built...

    It take vision, guts, and courage plus no small amount of moolah to build a hybrid pipe/electric/classical/theatre 7 manual organ for the Castro Theatre in San Francisco: Yes, I'm tickled pink about it...And am waiting to read about the specification of...
  18. Corno Dolce

    37 years old with the world at your feet...

    Here's a bass singer(Il'dar Abdrazakov) who is at the top of the opera game: You can also hear him among other great singers in this Feodor Shalyapin Gala from Kazan: Il'dar is the main Bass soloist with...
  19. Corno Dolce

    Ethnic Folk-Rock...

    I recently met this classy lady named Pelagea who surprises many:
  20. Corno Dolce

    In praise of "Starchitect" Bjarke Ingels from Denmark...

    Having just visited a friend living in this novel building complex I am simply astounded by the multi-use concept behind the idea for this place: And the architect Bjarke Ingels has already taught at Yale University even...