Thanks so much
I'd like to thank you gentlemen very much for talking the time to listen to my music, and review my website, as you were the only people that did so!
Your comments are very much appreciated, and won't go unnoted.
The 3 songs that are currently still in their infancy stage (as far as production/recording/mstering). Hence, "I've Got a Girldfriend"'s exceedingly loudness in volume. At this stage I'm trying to get as much feed back as possible before I go into the studio. The final version of the songs will have real players playing the music (thank goodness - the MIDI trumpet sounds in "I'm not Superman" are driving me nuts).
"I've Got a Girlfriend" is about me waiting for my friends, to go to a Japanese-Korean restaurant (like the lyrics indicate). I was aiming for a light hearted, easy going-internet connection type sound! I'm glad you guys picked up on this!
"I'm Not Superman" to tell you the truth, it gives me mixed feelings too, but to my suprise I get a 50/50 response from people here in Canada. It's one of those tunes that you like it or don't. It's great upbeat fun! This song is about people wanting too much from me, and I'm letting them know I'm not Superman, and the origin of the lyrics are supposed to be me venting my frustrations! The trumpet sounds help! lol.
"No Control" was for a friend that passed away from AIDS. This song wasn't supposed to be a joke. I hope you didn't get that vibe from this tune. Now, to be fair, you guys didn't know my friend, but he was the type of guy that was always in your face upbeat, full of energy. The lyrics try to descibe his personality. In the chorus the "beans" are referring to his monthly medication; pills. I'm geting positive feedback on this song from everyone. Rune my friend - I'm sorry the strings aren't real enough! I plan to have better ones on the final version! Finally, after I get this song done in the studio,any royalties I receive, I would like to donate it to AIDS research. No one should have to lose a friend or family member to this terrible disease.
As for singing, I've only been doing it for a short while (a little over a year). When my voice is ready I'll go to a studio and have the songs done properly. Overall (on track 1 & 2) I was attempting was to make some really catchy pop tunes where people could remember the lyrics, and have fun with! I think it worked.
I hope you guys cracked a few smiles and sang along, and will continue to sing along! I have many more songs on the way. Soon, I will be sending out another news letter, were I describe more about the origin of the songs, new songs coming, and discuss the lyrics. I don't share email information with any third party members, so don't be shy to sign up. ;D
Rune/Jason thanks again for taking the time to check out the site and songs, and for reading this reply! I will keep you posted on the songs, I wonder what Frederik thinks? Maybe he might interested in commissioning some real players for me? hmmm... what an idea. ;D
Thanks again guys, all the best, and I'll talk to you soon,
-Ryan Peplinski
PS. Rune, I do have another meloncholeyesque/romantic tune coming, It's called C4.