Hi from Russia!


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Right you are, Colin; I have no Cyrillic keyboard or translation device anywhere on my computer or in my apartment; thus, I have no idea what the phrase he writes means! :confused:
Perchance, do you? :rolleyes:
Steve, I was quoting Alban Berg :( and I have a rough idea as I did Russian but over 40 odd years ago unfortunatly I have forgoten a lot.
dasveedanya. or should that be Spashiba perhaps?
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Sr. Regulator
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Sr. Regulator
According to my sources "Ochenʹ priyatna" means very nice.


Steve there is a translator in Google which you should be able to acess. just open Google and it will be there somewhere and you can add it to your toolbar



Sr. Regulator
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Sr. Regulator
Teddy, I said my sources for a reason. I was trying to keep google translator a secret! :scold::lol:


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Steve there is a translator in Google which you should be able to acess. just open Google and it will be there somewhere and you can add it to your toolbar

How well does it work ?? just for fun try this

(I've got a lovely bunch of coco nuts) now translate that into Russian

I am just wondering how good it is at slang, also would it use Cyrillic font??
You reeka!
У меня есть прекрасный кучу кокосовых орехов
Well well not bad I must admit

this reminds me of the message passed verbaly through many mouths and finishes up completly different from the original, must try it:grin::grin:
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Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Colin, want to give google translator a try? Try this:

Witaj Colin. Chciałem Ci tylko powiedzieć, że nie jestem przekonany czy używanie GT na wyłączność jest dobrym pomysłem. I masz rację co do ustnie przekazywanych wiadomości, które na samym końcu nie wiele mają wspólnego z oryginałem.

I look forward to you replying. In Polish, of course :D


Google cyrilic script and you can bring up a virtual keyboard. Same with Arabic. Havent had time to play with them yet Will also look for Welsh.

teddy (I have enough trouble with English) :p


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Colin, want to give google translator a try? Try this:

Witaj Colin. Chciałem Ci tylko powiedzieć, że nie jestem przekonany czy używanie GT na wyłączność jest dobrym pomysłem. I masz rację co do ustnie przekazywanych wiadomości, które na samym końcu nie wiele mają wspólnego z oryginałem.

I look forward to you replying. In Polish, of course :D
Gday Mat GT jest naprawdę bardzo dobra, ale założę się, można oszukać, jeżeli próbowano zresztą ćwiczyłem mój rosyjski z Polakiem w moim miejscu pracy, tak, muszę mieć zabawny akcent, myślę, że to otworzy puszkę Pandory, Colin (dobra very similar to the Russian) you see it stuffed up on the Gday it can't handle slang


Sr. Regulator
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Sr. Regulator
Oh, that's fun. So you can understand what I wrote.

Just to clarify - did you mention that a Pole used to teach you Russian?

As to GT, I use it ocasionally. Having a lame translation is better than not having any at all. I think I once "spoke" to a Dane here. And I don't even know a word in Danish.


Chief assistant to the assistant chief
Just to clarify - did you mention that a Pole used to teach you Russian?


I took lessons at the local college but Ted "the pole" and myself worked at the same place so in the tea breaks and lunch breaks we would converse in Russian it really seems to be very similar to Polish, I picked up a bit of slang but it may have been Polish based and it was over 40 years past :grin:


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Actually, the two languages most similar to Polish are Czech and Slovak. You can understand most of what people frome these countires say and vice versa. With Russian - not so much...

As to slang, I can teach you some Polish phrases if you want (bad language included) :grin:

...muszę mieć zabawny akcent...
If you heard mine...
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Chief assistant to the assistant chief
My Polish friend did speak Russian (obviously) and had been a POW of the Russians for a while, thanks for the offer of slang Mat but I am too preoccupied and old to make a decent attempt at it.