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    Frederik Magle


Unknown organ+orchestra work


New member
I finally found the answer! The piece is Charles Villiers Stanford - Concert Piece for Organ and Orchestra, Op. 181.

A lesser known work by a lesser known composer, CV Stanford. The piece was written in 1921.

This is from the CD: CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD Symphony No. 7 in D minor Op.124 CHAN8861.

I just want to say thanks to this forum. I posted on several different sites and the most response I got was here!


New member
There are many enjoyable works by Stanford for the organ, useful for all sorts of occasions. It's nice to know of the aforementioned work now, based his other pieces, I have little doubt it would be worth chasing up. Thanks to those who did the legwork! :)

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Funnily enough, this work does not appear on IMSLP ... sad.

Yes, it doesn't. And this leads me to ask why , for example, I can't find a free copy of Canzonetta in Em Bux169 also ?(even my "complete" Dover edition -witch I paid for- ommits this along with some others):confused:
Maybe there's something to do with public domain/ copyright issues on certain works....


Admiral of Fugues
There is no copyright on the music of Buxtehude. Period. The only copyright that can exist on his music is on the edition itself (the typsetting).

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
There is no copyright on the music of Buxtehude. Period. The only copyright that can exist on his music is on the edition itself (the typsetting).

Yes David I agree. But I went allover the web for Bux169 I found only a Polish site they sell it for 5$ ! (no preview...I'm not going to pay for a public domain work!). No other trace of it. It's a manualiter piece I like to hear often, I like the way it goes from Em to Bm... I think I'm gonna learn to play it from ear..:grin:

In Greece copyright goes for 70 years after the composer's death. Then is public domain -the lawer in me....-:rolleyes: