Questions about Maas-Rowe Carillons


New member
I have some Questions about the Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell 3 CD Based Carillons My Questions are:
1. I am wondering Can a Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell 3 CD Based Carillon Do things like Angelus Chimes, Bell Peals like for example: 8 Bell Peals and 16 Bell Peals, Swinging Bells and Funeral Bells
2. I am wondering is there anyway I can Hear a Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell 3 CD Based Carillon do things like Angelus Chimes, Bell Peals like for example: 8 Bell Peals and 16 Bell Peals, Swinging Bells and Funeral Bells Live In Person in Charlotte, North Carolina
if you know the answers please message me.



Staff member
In 2009 you wrote on another forum that the church you joined has a Mass-Rowe CD Chronobell 3 carillon system, but the area was under construction.

Surely the church construction has finished by now and you can go into the room where the carillon system is? The church has a system that you can listen to ... or do they not play them anymore?

You might try contacting the Maas-Rowe company, too. They may be able to direct you to other installations in your area, or put you in contact with a representative in your region.
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