• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Difficult organ works


New member
@ Corno :Wow, thank you for your information.but unfortunately I live in West Java.I will try to search any information about the univ.may be you have professor's contact number?or may be u know the professor?
Now I still learn about organ, especially church music in Yogyakarta,central java with Fr. Karl Edmund Prier, may be you know him :)
once a year I attend the seminar in Yogyakarta.there is pipe organ there, but uniquely it's made from wooden pipe, and it has a single keyboard with 4 register.
I heard it was build by the only one indonesian organ builder.
my question about the difficult pieces are, 'how a practicing can be an efficient? is it necessary to hear an example before we play these pieces by own?'

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hi Chris,

Sorry, but I have no number nor do I know any professors there. In regards to efficient practicing may I suggest that you should care about fingering. Also, practice with the left hand first. Then the right hand and then the pedals. My highly esteemed colleague Krummhorn, who is the main administrator of this site can give you better tips on how to practice efficiently. Of course, it is nice to hear a piece that you are going to attempt to learn, especially if you can see the organist who is performing, how he/she controls the instrument and how they employ their technique.

An acquaintance of mine who was an organist of St. John the Divine in NewYork(David Pizzaro, disciple of Marcel Dupre), despised, loathed, and detested recordings of organs. He said it is better not to hear a piece before playing it - It will act as a crutch that will impede your learning of a piece. He has a point in that - I, however, have listened to much organ music and have then gone ahead with learning the piece or pieces. And I was gainfully employed as organist for a few decades and now I am a paid singer instead of being an organist - Music has brought into many unique situations and I am very happy for it.


New member
@Corno: thank you for the tips, it really usefull. :)
actually, I usually searching on youtube about a piece that I atempt to learn. so that I can learn about fingering or pedaling technique or may be the interpretation. I think the organist at that video may give some lesson for me (since I don't have any teacher who teach me dirrectly how to play that piece)
have you ever recorded your performance @ youtube or your colleague (ex. mr. Krumhorn)? may be I can see it and learn something, if you don't mind :) - thanks before.
I really admire several organist that I know from youtube such: Douglas Marshal,Hans Andre Stam, Cameron Carpenter, Principal 76 (I don't know the real name), Sebastian KB,Carol Williams and so on.I can learn a lot of things from all of them.
Is it possible play a difficult piece without text? how much time you have spent to learn a difficult piece?
I have learn BWV 542 about 4 months with practicing every day about 2-3 hours.is it normal?

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
If you have help from a piano "mentor" he/she can help you to discover what is the more efficient way of practicing - But it all really boils down to how much you are willing to practice - As Krummhorn says: "Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong".