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    Frederik Magle


Going loopy


As I've mentioned in another thread I'm experimenting with some solo instrument samples, hoping to use them in GO.

They vary considerably in length from one instrument to another, some as short as 1.5 seconds, others up to near 10 seconds, also with some the volume falls or there is a tremolo both of which present quite a challenge when trying to sort out loops and release cues.

Can anybody please advise ideal lengths of sustain loops, and ideal duration for release. I've tried substituting a couple of violin notes into a rank, the notes sustain OK as long as a key is held with little or no hint of it being a loop, so the loop seems to be OK but when the key is released it takes 2 or 3 seconds to decay.

My thinking is that I should probably select a shorter loop nearer the end of the note, and move the release cue nearer the end also.

Would it be advisable to try and shorten the sample as well, the violin ones average about 5 seconds. Taking a typical note, 3 loops, first 0.75 seconds near the higher volume beginning, second is 1,5 seconds starting just before the end of the first, third 1.7 seconds starting at about 2.3 seconds, release cue is very near the end of loop3. about 1 second duration.

When releasing a key (= midi note off) does the current loop complete before the release starts, or is the loop cut short?

I'm using a combination of SampleLooper and Loop Auditioneer, SL finds plenty of loops which LA narrows down and lets me add the release cue, when played through GO the sound seems better, the loop repeat is much less obvious, almost non existent at times.

My reasoning behind just testing a couple of notes from an instrument is so I could get an idea of the feasibilty before I tore out too much hair!

Hope this makes sense to somebody that can answer the queries!


New member
As I've mentioned in another thread I'm experimenting with some solo instrument samples, hoping to use them in GO.

GO 0.3 will only use the longest loop [maybe this will change in the next months] and the last cue point. It cross fades from the loop to the release and plays the whole release.


So - I've now selected a much later release cue, that seems to improve matters. Reviewing some of the organ sample sets, I find loops as short as 0.2 seconds or less, whilst others are 2 seconds or more, but all with quite late release markers. I think I'll now go ahead and see if I can get a complete set of violin and flute sorted.

I've also figured a way in audacity to even out the volume through a sample which might help with the flute samples.

I'm still using GO2 by the way.


Finally working; got all the notes looped and release cued, modified an organ file for the Blanchet Harpsichord to add a flute "stop" DUH (and other expletives) Blanchet A=415Hz, my flute A=440Hz so did a sneaky rename of all files bar the lowest copied that down a semitone, retried problem solved; Modifying the organ file wasn't completely plain sailing, had to change one keyboard to 42 keys, and while editing in the flute stop managed to screw up one of the other files. Took me ages before I finally decided it wasn't the new stop causing the problem and found the problem. I've posted a recording made with this set up in a new thread.


Few other points maybe worth mentioning; the next instrument I work on I'll do the pitch changing for each sample as one semitone down and one semitone up. Maybe make 2 versions of some instrument sets one at A=415Hz if I intend to use it with the Blanchet, one at A=440Hz for "normal use". Copy/paste a couple of Manual and Stop sections of an organ file to a blank "document" (in notepad or Wordpad) and save to work on, then copy/paste into a new organ file (or into an existing one) as required.

example:- from a Stop section, just do a find and replace on the folder name (shown here in red) to substitute new folder name; have 2 or 3 alternative blanks for pedal, or manual or different number of keys or range.


By doing it in a separate document any "find and replace" will only be working on that stop.

I found it necessary to change the volume settings in the Stop section so the harpsichord and flute balanced.

Couplers were not necessary on this set up, so set to =0.

Make sure the stop display row/column does not clash with another stop.
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I've now got the violin folder done, not so impressed with the sound result, the flute sounds fairly natural but in the violin you can tell it's keyed, attack and decay sound wrong. not so bad in fast passages, but slow parts it is noticeable. Having flute and violin selected on the same keyboard gives a whole new sound, neither one nor 'tother, so next task is to write a 3 manual .organ file, Continuo, flute and alto flute, Continuo, with horn or trombone and trumpet, or bassoon and oboe, who knows, maybe a brass quartet?