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    Frederik Magle


Bureå church choir organ sampleset released


New member

I've now released a new sampleset of the choir organ in Bureå church that features different attack samples selected from attack velocity if your MIDI keyboards can handle it. Only the Rörflöjt 8 and Principal 4 has three layers of attacks for every pipe, the rest of the stops in the main .organ file only have 4 samples an octave and the rest of the notes are interpolated by GrandOrgue.

Download it from http://www.familjenpalo.se/vpo/download.

As the sample format is 24 bit 48 kHz it's a pretty big set even though there are only 7 stops in the organ. The download size is around 742 MB compressed (around 1.2 GB uncompressed) and when loaded the set does consume considerable amounts of RAM.

Three different .organ files compares how the different attack (and release) samples affect the feel of playing the organ.

Of course you need a recent development release of GrandOrgue to enjoy the attack selection by velocity (from rev 1133 and up I think).

Kind regards

Lars P


New member
Thank you for your work !

I'll test this new sample set as soon as possible ...
Velocity seems very interesting for me !
On a church organ (with non-electric keyboards), when the key or the pedal is pressed quicker or harder, you can hear the difference !


New member
Indeed, there are differences in the character of attacks and releases on an organ with tracker action depending on the touch (very much like how pronounced the different consonants can be in speech).

Remember that only Rörflöjt 8 and Principal 4 are truly triple layer sampled and for best results disable the release scaling in the Midi & audio settings dialog to have the real release sound too.

In my own opinion the result is a subtle effect, more on certain notes than others but generally very subtle and it's limited in that only the attack velocity can be used to select the attack and that the release velocity cannot be used to select the (long) release, but sadly it seems that it's more unusual with MIDI keyboards that really actively use the release velocity.

What I feel when I compare the multi layered attacks vs single (use BC-CompMultiVsSingle.organ) is that the feeling is more physical in the playing of multi layered samples even if the actual audible audio might be not too different as long as one doesn't just play a single note (especially in the two lined octave the effect of different attack speeds can be very audible).

It will be interesting to hear what others think! Remember to check that your MIDI keyboards indeed can handle velocity, otherwise the selection won't work as intended and you won't hear any difference.

Kind regards

Lars P

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
Hi Lars :)
I've been away for a while, so just today I saw this post with the great news, New set !

Downloaded fast and OK.
Extracted fine.
GO version 0.3.1 1146 x64

Excellent work ! Super clean sound, so much improved your skills on editing !
Velocity works great. No issues. Just like the real thing. How one can disable velocity, except from controller keyboard ? I mean from GO.
Couldn't notice the difference from Ged8/Pr4 less samples and the rest with full, though I saw the odf. :-D LOL
I'm very impressed with this set, also because I love (you already know that..) small organs.
I like the chiff of Gedackt when hard velocity applied.
Awesome regal and cymbale.
8+4+2 flutes are a charm, the Principal is solid and stands clear out !
Solid strong and warm Soubasse.

One issue : Midi ch is the same for Man and ped, like being permanently coupled. Both set on odf as midi input number 001. I set man as 002 and all OK.

What I would like : Stop draw FX, Man/ped noise FX and though the sound is like playing from console (organist position) it would be nice to have much more reverb from Burea, like sitting on first/second seats. The samples I listen playing staccato showing a very very nice ambience.
Is there a way to alter this? I'm thinking raising the releases volume sample by sample on Organ settings..... No?

Well, this is it.
Million thanks for sharing your top HQ work and offering a fine set of a good choir organ, not often seen, to the community.



New member
How one can disable velocity, except from controller keyboard ? I mean from GO.

You can submit a feature request (You REALLY should submit requests to our tracker, as otherwise ideas can be lost).

One issue : Midi ch is the same for Man and ped, like being permanently coupled. Both set on odf as midi input number 001. I set man as 002 and all OK.

I consider this feature as legacy. In my option starting with an empty configuration would be more logical - but the current project option is to keep it.

Ghekorg7 (Ret)

Rear Admiral Appassionata (Ret)
You can submit a feature request (You REALLY should submit requests to our tracker, as otherwise ideas can be lost).

You're right Martin, I'll do.
My main problem is that I do not receive any e-mails from GO users list anymore...(?) Just the first ones when Graham started the list, then stopped.
I have a Sourceforge.net account as a jOrgan disposition dev so I'll use this to log in and request.

By the way disabling velocity from GO instead from a midi keyboard may be convenient for some synthesizers that request "enter to utility mode and save" ect ect , so a type of engaging velocity like GO "reverb" does (min~max) would do the trick.
But, I'll try to submit it as request on GO's tracker, yes, it's better. :Scripta manent:


New member
You're right Martin, I'll do.
My main problem is that I do not receive any e-mails from GO users list anymore...(?) Just the first ones when Graham started the list, then stopped.
I have a Sourceforge.net account as a jOrgan disposition dev so I'll use this to log in and request.
The user list is very silent (2 mails in the last few month) - you can compare with the archive at SF.net.

Creating an account at SF.net as simple as creating an account for this forum. It can also be done by normal users.


New member
Hi Panos!

Great that you like this little set! It was put together very quickly so I might just have missed that I put both manual and pedal to the same channel in the odf. I mostly override it from the GUI anyway, but in this case it was likely a mistake from my side.

Is there a way to alter this? I'm thinking raising the releases volume sample by sample on Organ settings..... No?

No, as Martin poited out to me all attacks and releases for a pipe are treated the same as they are kind of a logical unit. But I do have some impulse response recordings somewhere and I can easily do new ones too.

The velocity effect is subtle (an organ doesn't behave like a piano :)) but it can be heard with this first prototype sampleset.

The keyboard action noises are more audible with high velocity too as they are heard in the recordings in this set, but in the upcoming version of the Kalvträsk set I'll have action noises as special stops (motor noise too). The drawstop noise effect can actually be reproduced on a console with physical drawstops already with current GO, this too will be shown in the updated Kalvträsk set.

Kind regards

Lars P