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    Frederik Magle


Question about Digital Piano


New member
can I ask my question here, you all seem knowledgeable.
I have a Viscount Opera digital piano.
My son has managed to make all sounds disappear by fiddling the buttons.
Now I cannot reset. Does any of you know how this may be done ?


Staff member
Hi guus,

I have to ask the obvious question ... is the unit plugged in? I don't ask this as an insult to you, but I once traveled 4 hours (one way) on an emergency organ repair call on a Saturday, only to find the someone had unplugged the organ ... it was still in the socket but wasn't making the full connection. I could have better spent that 10 hour day doing something more usefull.

There is the users manual, but it does not mention anything about how a "reset" can be performed. Just in case you don't have that manual, I've attached it below to this posting.

My other thought is that one of the buttons might be stuck in the depressed position. I would look carefully at all the buttons, and if one is stuck in the down position, very (repeat v e r y) carefully try to lift it up with a toothpick - do not use a screwdriver for boat building - bigger is not always better.

I would also check the back panel for a blown fuse, and or connection issues ... loose AC plug, external speaker wires (if used).

Was the piano turned on and playing when the "fiddling" occured? If so, something could have either shorted out or overloaded the power supply (too many buttons being pressed at the same time possibly) and the problem could be internal, which will require the aid of a service technician.

I would not attempt any kind of self-repair unless you are an experienced electronic technician and have expertise in this particular brand of instrument. You could do more harm than good. I know that obtaining the services of a qualified technician can be costly, but in the long run, well worth the money to avoid further frustration.

If you do venture into the interior of the instrument, for gods sake please unplug the damn thing first ... or you might wind up 6 feet below ground in an instant.

You may also write to Viscount via Email ... they might be able to assist in a quick reset remedy, if there is such a thing.

User's Manual:
View attachment Viscount Opera Digital Piano.pdf

By the way, Welcome to our forum :). We hope that you will become a regular participating member here.


Welcome to the forum and Good Luck resetting.. I had a simliar problems some time ago..and I turned it off, unplugged it waited about 5 minutes and plugged it back in and turn then it on..it worked..


New member
TX Krummhorn for your extensive advise on the matter.
first however I tried Wijmrbill's idea, as it seemed a simple solution. Unfortunately it didn't work.
- yes it was and is properly plugged in
- I already found me a manual on the internet, but thanks anyway, very thoughtful
- all keys seem to function properly
- I am somehow convinced that a particular combination of buttons was activated. If only I knew how it was undone or reset....
- I am no electrician, I will not meddle with its interior :)

so I will mail the adress mentioned on the manual, and will share any gains here on the thread

by the way this is what the screen says after switching on :


Staff member
Interesting screen that appears there ... like the system has lost its memory (?). What should be appearing below the "Memory N.: 1' is the default instrument name (for example Grand Piano 1, like in the instruction manual).

I see that the manual makes reference to a 3.0v type battery (CD2032) that, if dead, could possibly render the results you are now getting. I do know that within a PC that also has this same kind of battery, if it goes dead, the PC will malfunction and not be able to retain its memory of basic functions for booting up, date, time, etc.

It could be that this is purely coincidental with the 'fiddling of the keys' and the battery going dead, but it might be the cause. I don't know where in your piano that particular battery is located, as the manual doesn't indicate that fact.

Have you also tried pressing the "start/stop" and "chorus" buttons at the same time (for the demo mode)?


New member
that combination does bring the demo about, in piano-sound, and its possible to add to it.
So all is not lost yet.
I have my hopes on the manufacter, though. If they will respond.


New member
the other day I went back to my piano-problem. When I turned the power on it showed only gibberish, so I turned it off and then on again.....
Next the screen read for a brief moment 'factory settings' and the everything went to normal..... !
Don't ask me why or how, but we're back to making music again.
Thanks for your support & thinking along !
btw I never got reply from the manufacturer.


Staff member
The power of positive thinking on this forum is absolutely astounding. The things we collectively can accomplish with regard to musical instruments is amazing.

I love to hear of success stories like this. I can't fathom why this piano was able to return to its original settings on its own though ... unless a certain voltage drop/surge happened during the rapid off/on cycle. Weird.

Happy playing again, guus :)