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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


"thumping" in Grand Orgue


New member
I've opened a new thread because there was no reply to the previous one.

As you suggested, I download the Kalvtrask set, and I hear similar "thumping", though not as often or as loud. I say "thumping", that is a low pitch back-beat like a small
drum would make. It really resembles an electrical EMF like a motor or other load was being turned on. The pitch is low and does not really change where ever on the keyboard you play. And it is very random, and can't be reproduced methodically. But is very annoying to hear, because it just ruins the music. When I first tried GO about 3 years ago, this "thumping" was very prominent in all the bass notes. More recent versions have improved, but it is still in the manual keyboards. The CPU is not overloaded! And there is no clipping. I hear it in all sample sets. If it is a buffer problem, then I need help to increase the buffer, or some other solution. I hear the "thumping" in notes not being played all that fast. If there keying improvements in more recent versions of GO, I can't use them. The most recent version will NOT recognize my EMU soundcard
ASIO, nor will it recognize the USB connections, even though they are listed. Right clicking on the manuals with "listen events" simply doesn't respond. As I've said before, the ONLY VERSION of recent times that I can use is 1726. It always works, but many times will not recognize my second keyboard the first time I startup the machine and load the program. I've learned to restart and reload, and it always works after that. I've set up many sample sets with this computer and version 1726, and I can usually do it without too much difficulty. In case it wasn't noted, I'm using a 4-core AMD processor at 3.2gh, with Windows 64bit 7 pro version and EMU1212 soundcard. Thanks, Ken Barta

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New member
For Kalvträsk sampleset, have you tried to disable the keyboard action noises? You'll find them on the additional panel. If that doesn't help, I think something with your sound setup is not working as it should.

Kind regards

Lars P


New member
Hi, thanks for reply. Please send link or screen-shot for this panel of "keyboard action noises". I'm using version 1726. Anything later than that will not work on my system. I thought my manual keyboards might be causing the problem, but the same artifact is in the pedal, also, which is a single reed switch that works through a midi relay. I do not experience this with Hauptwerk at all--on either keyboards or pedal. When I play a note in GO, depending on how I press the key, I don't get a clean sound. If the key does not go all the way to the bottom, but the contact is very quickly made, then I get an incomplete, non-coherent sound with an accompaniant thump or burp. The more stops on or keyboards, the worse the keying is. With Hauptwerk, no matter how I press or play the key, the sound is all in unison, and there is NO thump or burp. In other words, this artifact behaves like a bad relay in electro-pneumatic organs. where all the ranks don't play together at exactly the same time, so there is a burp or thump. It is always a low sound. Thanks, Ken Barta. Please reply directly, if you will, to: [email protected] in addition to the forum.