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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


The rare/unusual repertoire thread


New member

I'm back, briefly.... (lent starts this Wednesday - for church musicians the beginning of a very busy time leading up to Easter.)

As I have a few moments now and then, I'll try to post some more in this thread (that surprisingly has become quite popular!)

Let's return to the wonderful French with a lively Toccata by Vivet. This piece is mostly manuals, and really quite playable with a little work.



New member

Dear GIWRO: :)I have enjoyed reading and listening to all your posts. :)
One request, when you site a composer and work also include the publisher. Unfortunately, the publisher is as important as the work and the composer. In our modern world it is ironic that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to source printed music. The publishers are merging and being eaten by bigger ones and if we stand any chance at all of finding composer's organ compositions we need that last little bit of information. Thanks for your posts and keep it up! eg. Song by Smith (Warner Publishing)


New member
Hello, Westhill....

I could cite the publisher, but in nearly all of the cases in this thread the music is out of print.... that's what makes the repertoire rare!

Some of the pieces are reprinted HERE but I want to be careful not to use this forum as a platform for self- advertisement, so I've not made mention of it.

In the future, for those pieces that are not reprinted, I'll be glad to say so and mention them as "out of print". Please, if there is ever an out of print piece that interests you, do drop me a PM or email and I can usually guide you to a good source.


- G

Dear GIWRO: :)I have enjoyed reading and listening to all your posts. :)
One request, when you site a composer and work also include the publisher. Unfortunately, the publisher is as important as the work and the composer. In our modern world it is ironic that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to source printed music. The publishers are merging and being eaten by bigger ones and if we stand any chance at all of finding composer's organ compositions we need that last little bit of information. Thanks for your posts and keep it up! eg. Song by Smith (Warner Publishing)


Jean Vadon

I love Jean Vadon organ works.
Good record Giwro. Thanks

Do you know that Jean Vadon has been playing in the same church (Saint-Jean de Montmartre) for about 60 years !


New member

GIWRO: Thanks for your note. That will really help - noting "out of print" or giving the publisher if available.
I love the unheard, odd and great music that has slipped off the radar.


New member
Happy Easter - Quef "Pour Paques"

Charles Quef's "Pour Paques", #1 from his 12 Pieces
(incorporates the melody to "O Filii")
Quef was a fairly prolific composer, but I hardly hear of him... he wrote some fine works, though.

Enjoy, and happy Easter to all...

- G

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hi Perfesser Giwro,

Good to see ya back here - I absolutely dig the works of Charles Quef - Awesome, dude.

Thanx for sharing the crumbs from the Master's Table.

Respectfully yours,

CD :):):):):):):)


Staff member
Hi Giwro,

Happy Easter to you as well.
Thanks for sharing the Quef work. Love how he masterfully intertwines the tune into the various manual and pedal scores.


New member
Glad you enjoyed it, Corno, , Judy, KH

Now that the easter season is past, I hope to post to this thread (and the Symphonie thread as well) more often.


- G


New member
Doppelbauer Suite Breve: Preludium, Ostanato and Toccata

Yes, it is rare and unusual.... I recently received the score to his Toccata and Fuge In Memoriam Maurice Ravel (a difficult piece to play, but it really looks like a neat piece!)


New member
Horace Wadham Nicholl (1848-1922) was an English organist who emigrated to the USA.
He wrote a number of Preludes and Fugues, among them this one: Prelude and Fugue in C, a fine piece.


- G


Staff member
Hi Giwro ...

Glad to have you back (like the rest of us) after a busy Easter season. Enjoyed this latest offering of Nicholl.

Having upgraded my PC's sound system that included adding a sub-woofer ... now these pieces take on a new meaning in sound quality and listening enjoyment.

This piece would work out well for a prelude or concert ... is it in print anywhere?


New member

Glad to be back!

I have more from Mr. Nicholl, it's just a matter of getting them recorded :grin:

You can indeed get a copy of the score HERE

When it comes to listening to organ music, subwoofers are an organist's best friend ;)


- G

Hi Giwro ...

Glad to have you back (like the rest of us) after a busy Easter season. Enjoyed this latest offering of Nicholl.

Having upgraded my PC's sound system that included adding a sub-woofer ... now these pieces take on a new meaning in sound quality and listening enjoyment.

This piece would work out well for a prelude or concert ... is it in print anywhere?


New member
That piece was really pretty. I have been sitting in the dark without
this computer until the storm passed.
judy tooley


New member
Hello again, friends!

Today's link is the sprightly Toccata by Armand Vivet.
Vivet studied with Guilmant, and was also his choirmaster
at St. Augustin in Paris. He published only a few pieces, but of all of them this one is my favorite.

The work had fallen out of publication, but was recently reprinted, although it is only available in the USA or countries where the copyright period lasts 50 years after the death of the composer.


- G