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    Frederik Magle


The rare/unusual repertoire thread


New member
Thanks for the Blin, giwro!

Quite unkown, this fellow. Here is what I've found out about him: René Émile Camille BLIN, born November 13, 1884 in Somsois (Marne Department, France), started a law degree, but then abandoned it to become the pupil of Joseph Jemain, Alexandre Guilmant, and Vincent d'Indy at the Schola Cantorum. He wrote masses, motets, Noëls, melodies, as well as pages for the piano and for the violin. He succeeded Joseph Boulnois as organist at Ste-Élisabeth-du-Temple (Paris) in 1910.

Interestingly, Léonce de Saint-Martin, organist at Notre-Dame, dedicated one of his works in 1940 to “René Blin, organiste de chœur de N.D. de Paris”, indicating that Blin also played at the choir organ at Notre-Dame. It is unclear if Blin resigned from Ste-Élisabeth to take up this position, or if he kept both positions until his death in 1951.

Glad you enjoyed it, ACC

Interestingly enough, the Rosace was dedicated to Saint-Martin(!)

I did not know some of his information, so thanks for sharing it. I know he wrote more organ music, but so far I have only found a few pieces - this one and 3 others (among them the monumental 62-page Symphonie!)


- G

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha acc,

Thanx for plugging yet another hole in my knowledge base in re to Blin.


CD :):):)

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Giwro,

Thanx for posting those Boulnois pieces - 'Tis sad that he vanished in the fog of war - he had a definite talent for composing.


CD :):):)

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Giwro,

I really enjoyed the new Blin pieces you posted - the Offertoire, Choral Varie, and Marche Nuptiale all have their particular charm. Thank you so very much for taking of your time and effort to share these with your colleagues on MIMF.


CD :):):):):):):)


New member

Thanks for your replies!

This thread has garnered considerable attention, and I'm pleased. I hope I've encouraged folks to seek out the less-familiar repertoire by sharing here.



New member

Some of you may remember an earlier post of Henry Martin's P+F in Em - I'm pleased to say
he continues to write on his proposed set of 24 for the organ, and has recently completed
the next 2 in the series. I've not gotten the Bm recording yet, but here shared for your enjoyment
(and with the blessing of the composer) is #3:

Prelude and Fugue in D-Major

I've also received permission to share a recording of the P+F in G, made by Ken Cowan:

Prelude and Fugue in G

When I get the recording of #4, I'll post it to this thread as well.

Do enjoy!

- G

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Giwro,

Good to see ya back here. I really adore those Henry Martin P&F's and am impatiently waiting for the complete organ score of them. Thanx for sharing with your colleagues on MIMF :D:D:D


CD :):):)


New member
Glad you like the P+F's, Corno!

Henry plans to release them 2 at a time, but they are taking about 3-6 months per set of 2, so it may be some time before all 24 are ready. If you liked the Dmaj, have a listen to the newly arrived Bm.... it blew me away!

Prelude and Fugue in Bm


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Br. Giwro,

WOW! I'm floored and flabbergasted - Holy Hannah!!! I want to get the score to that P&F in Bm. Thanx for opening my eyes to this fellow's music.


CD :):):)


New member
Time to update this thread a bit.... the latest is Ciampa's lovely Advent Emerald, a lush and lovely rendition of a familiar tune.

I was quite taken with this piece... certainly a different "take" on the tune than I was expecting!



New member
Your Advent Emerald is very pretty. The Methodist church I attend now
is the first one I ever belonged to that celebrated Advent. I've been a
church goer since I was a baby.
judy tooley

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha giwro,

This Ciampa fellow - I'm going to have to get to know his music better - thanx for revealing this little gem to me.


CD :):):)

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha perfessor giwro,

Congrats on your successfully providing music for Advent and Christmas. Thanx for sharing the Paponaud. I have heard that work before - For some reason it doesn't make such a big impression on me - maybe I'm missing something.


CD :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:


New member
Aloha perfessor giwro,

Congrats on your successfully providing music for Advent and Christmas. Thanx for sharing the Paponaud. I have heard that work before - For some reason it doesn't make such a big impression on me - maybe I'm missing something.


CD :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:


Or.... mebbe it's just not that profound of a work!


I think it is nice, but certainly not a masterpiece!



New member
Been a long time since I posted in this thread - time to add another rarity - Roelstraete's Adagio

I think this is the only piece of Roelstraete's I have ever heard!