y-a-t'il un français dans la salle ?


Translation : "Is there any French boy in the room ?"

Really very nice this forum. :):):):)
But is there nobody speaking French ? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

Friendly :D

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Bonsoir Jean-Paul,

Je parle François aux des Grandes Orgues de Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. :):grin::cheers:

A bientôt,

Corno Dolce


Staff member
Wel, there are organs that speak French ... or rather are French speaking ... uhh ... err ... umm ... French Voiced ... :nut: ... you all know what I mean ... lol ... :rolleyes: :grin:

Wonder where Rojo is on this thread? She speaks fluent French if I'm not mistaken.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hey KH,

Thats a good question. I hope she doesn't feel mortally wounded after I gave her a *mid-course correction* on the Michael Jackson thread. If so, I would be very sad :cry::bawl: She is such a precious and tender soul.


Corno Dolce


Ben voyons. Je suis plus forte que ça, CD. Je suis forte comme Michael Jackson! Et ça, sa en dit long. :grin:

Bonjour musicalis! En masse de français parlé içi... Mon français écrit n'est pas toujours parfait, mais bon.

But it's an english forum, so talk here is mostly in english.

To translate what I said-

Come on. I'm stronger than that. I'm strong like Michael Jackson! And that says a lot. :grin:

Hello musicalis! Lots of french spoken here... My written french is not always perfect, but...


Merci Rojo.
Je me doutais bien qu'il y avait des Canadiens et Canadiennes sur ce Forum.
En France nous avons des maîtres de l'orgue, mais pas beaucoup de français maîtrisent la langue anglaise.
Sorry, i do not translate, I do not deal well enough with English language.


Y'a pas de quoi. Si ça ne te dérange pas, je vais traduire vos commentaires pour les autres. D'après moi, vous n'avez pas de problème à vous exprimer en anglais, par exemple. :)

Musicalis said- Thanks. I thought there might be some Canadians on this forum.
In France, we have organ masters, but not many French master the English language.

What I just said- It's nothing. If it doesn't bother you, I will translate your comments for others. I find you have no problem expressing yourself in English. :)


Staff member
Gotta tell ya, the French language looks as pretty as it sounds ... Often admired people who can write and speak several languages fluently.