What do you think about The 2012 prediction

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Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hi Emmery,

Fascinating that you can make such a sweeping Malthusian prediction like that - What, may I ask, do you use for reference material? Can you cite indepently peer-reviewed scholarship that is generally accepted by all the researchers and scientists from the world's major Universities? Which academic journals do you use to buttress your claims? I'm very curious and wish to drill-down on the assumption you claim.

Respectfully yours,

CD :):):)


New member
Thomas Malthus...
(1766-1835) Author of an Essay on the Principles of Population in 1798 postulating that any temporary or local improvement in living conditions will increase population faster than the food supply, and that disasters such as war and pestilence, which check population growth, are inescapable features of human society.

With the huge increased need of resources because of China/Indias' population and economic growth we are already seeing shortages and their related price increases, (food, water, gas ect..) Diversion of grain resources to produce ethanol have already impacted food prices and production. The curve of this increasing world need is rising so sharply that it is not far from crossing the fixed point of supply. One indisputable fact of human nature is that when we run out of essentials, we either move, or we take from someone/somewhere else. Shrinking coastal areas due to rising ocean levels/melting polar caps will also put strain on geographical possibilities of relocation and the human races' options. I strongly believe there will be a huge WW as a result of these interactions and the state of political tensions are already providing an environment conducive to this inevitable outcome.


New member
Interesting perspective there, Emmery. Just before I moved from the states I saw a program that indicated that they could not sustain the current influx of immigrants to the country. Even at the current levels, if something is not done (drastically) right away, there simply will not be "enough to go around" when it comes to the basics.

My mother sent me these links:



Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Funny, I still don't see the citing of academic journals and peer-reviewed scholarship.


New member
CD, that may be true but you have to admit that a lot of it makes sense. As more and more people talk about the situation, hopefully that will inspire more academic review.



New member
Hi everyone, I try not to think about questions such as this. However, when the world finally "ends" I am sure it will be a man made event. Cheers:(:(:(:(

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hi greatcyber,

Thanx for your thought on the matter. There is plenty of so called *academic material* out there. The problem is IS that very little of it can be considered science. It fails the very tests that the scientific process requires in order to validate it and to be settled as generally accepted knowledge.

Just talking about this and that hypothesis as is done in non-scientific media and amongst Joe and Mary Q. Public is not science as you well know. Real scientific research and scholarship is very hard work. Grant proposals have to get written and accepted by the organizations that fund research. If the methodology and the topic is shown to be lacking, then there is no gravy train for the researcher.

Respectfully yours,

CD :):):)


New member
I was looking at the news and numbering all of the volcanoes that have
blown their top, earthquake locations in just 2008 my little neck of the
woods which is unusual with China,I know of the two wars going on
and maybe a third, the hurricanes and other storms,terrorism keeps
on spreading,and more disasters. There are more diseases without
any cure than ever from the VD diseases to new cancers and more.
One way or another something in the future is going to take us all
out. There is no real day this will happen for real sure. It looks as
though it seems in the real near future. I quit worrying about lung
cancer when I know other things can take me out a lot quicker by
some man made device,Mother nature, or God's wrath.
judy tooley


New member
I do believe that we still have time to change things like our impact on global warming, the raising of children to be accepting of other cultures/races/religions and respect for the many wonders of nature we fully don't understand yet. The monetary and status pressures in life don't give much leeway for us all to be dedicated to this in the way we need to be to ensure the survival of the human race. We are still a world greatly divided on a social/economic level with the gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" getting wider and wider every day. Most of what is fed to us by the media is smoke and mirrors to help keep us civil until the inevitable end comes.
In the early seventies I used to be a "peacenic" as the 60's peace movement was dying out. My father (a WW2 veteran) told me that if I were to walk down the street professing peace to everyone, it would only be a matter of time before someone took a shot at me to find out if I really was peaceful. The nature of the world and my experiences seem to prove him right. Its almost impossible to convey the message of peace without conveying the impression of "weakness" at the same time in a world full of "predator" types of people and governments.
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New member
I realized that if you want peace is to be peaceful yourself and just
pray about it. God is in control of things. Lot of us are not in so
much control. Anger, happiness,and love is the key factor. Anger
will stir up strife. Repentance and realizing you have did wrong will
bring on peace. Saying something hateful to someone because they
are different will bring on hurt and anger. But if you go to that same
person and call them brother or sister and understand what they are
saying in their language because not all of us speak the same makes
a big difference and that person will become your friend. That's peace
when you want peace.
judy tooley


Admiral of Fugues
I realized that if you want peace is to be peaceful yourself and just
pray about it. God is in control of things. Lot of us are not in so
much control. Anger, happiness,and love is the key factor. Anger
will stir up strife. Repentance and realizing you have did wrong will
bring on peace. Saying something hateful to someone because they
are different will bring on hurt and anger. But if you go to that same
person and call them brother or sister and understand what they are
saying in their language because not all of us speak the same makes
a big difference and that person will become your friend. That's peace
when you want peace.
judy tooley

Wise words, darling Judy.


New member
Do you want to know what I think of the 2012 prophesy? Astronomers
are all ready saying that the earth will have it's last wobble and start
up again. The world as we do know it will end but we will still be alive.
Even the earth will be unharmed. What will happen is the seasons will
change differently like instead of Dec,21 of the year winter starts,
summer will start instead. and vice Versa. This will be the year that
we won't have a real fall or Autumn. Summer will stay until june of
2013 to have winter. Get ready to wear your winter coats on the fourth
of July and go swimming on Christmas. Nations like Australia and Brazil
have summer during Christmas. This will be the end of our world as we
know it. That is what I think will happen and the Aquarius will be awsome.
judy tooley


New member
One program I watched explained it a little differently. It suggested that if the poles were to change then the weather would have drastic changes, not merely changing weather seasonally but perhaps on a daily basis, i.e. blizzard today and scorching heat tomorrow.
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