• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

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    (Note: If you wish to link to and promote your own website please read this thread first.)

    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Pics anybody?


Staff member
Hi ParryHotter,

Beautiful organ. How many ranks do you have to work with?


New member
This is an estimate, I can check to get the particulars early next week, but I believe there are 35 ranks. There are 2 mixtures and a cornet, and I do not know how many ranks they have.

Now looking at the picture, I wish I had opened the lid on the Steinway. Oh well, maybe next time :) ! That piano is the same as the one in my avatar, by the way.
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Staff member
You're welcome.
Do you happen to know who built this organ?

Ooh, just noticed the horizontal reed ... nice addition!
Hopefully the room has good acoustics.


New member
That is a very compact console. Are the stop tabs really wood, or plastic coloted to match the manuals?


New member
They are real wood. I'm 99.99% sure ! :grin: I think they kept the console as small as possible since our church frequently moves the console to different locations in the sanctuary (a couple times a year anyway). You may not have noticed the shelves on either side of the actual console, so it still looks correctly proportioned and yet doesn't weigh as much as a more "traditional" pipe organ console.
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Vey nice and modern design for the pipes, but the console looks old-fashion.
When can we listen to this instrument ?
Thanks for the pictures.


New member
I'm playing this Sunday (as a substitute), so if you're in the neighborhood feel free to stop in!

If you're looking for a recording, it may be a while until I can get a nice camcorder with excellent sound recording ability. And since I'm a broke college student, it may be a little while.

I'm not sure I see the "old fashioned" style in the console, however. I've not seen many instruments close up in real life, and played even fewer, but to me it looks quite plain and simple. As opposed to what I think of as "old fashioned" as the large, ornate, and decorative consoles.
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New member
As a side note, notice my car keys hanging from the console. I keep my organ key on the same chain as my single car key, and all my other keys separate. Can you guess which one I treasure more??


Ifthe organ is yours, it is the organ key. If only the car is yours, may be it is the car key.
Sorry, but france is too far to go to your concert, but be sure I'll be waiting to hear this nice organ.

PS, when I say "old-fashion" I do not explain wery well, because I do not speak very well english. I only notice that the console style is very "poor" or "simple" and has not such a very beatiful design that the pipes windchests.
I hope you understand what I feel, in no case I would like to hurt you and I apologize if I have done it.



Staff member
Since you mentioned that this is a Holtkamp organ, I've seen this similar console design on a couple others. There is a 33 rank Holtkamp in an Episcopal church here that had a very similar looking console. It too was movable (but the console resided permanently on a console dolly) and required two keys, one for the blower and the other for the capture system.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Methinks there was a time when Holtkamps consoles were affected by the Minimalist design trend.


New member
No offense taken musicalis!! I was just confused at what you meant by old fashioned, thats all. The way you explained it this time made perfect sense.

I only wish the organ was actually mine :p! Still I treat the organ way nicer than I treat my car :grin:!

This one is also permanently on a console dolly.


New member
I only saw it once, but a console in the chapel at Occidental College (Eagle Rock area of L. A.) looked similar to that one. Not much in the way of sides to it. I have no idea what make that organ is.


Admiral of Fugues
It's a very beautiful looking organ. Thanks for the photos. I love the car key beeper on the organ key ... be very careful you don't accidently hop into your car and then wonder "now, where's that blasted swell pedal?" :rolleyes:


New member
Thanks for the compliment. It really is a nice instrument to play.

And I do usually remember to distinguish between when I'm driving the organ and playing the car. Or whatever. :p