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    Frederik Magle


Pipe organ music - a graded approach


Admiral of Fugues
Hi there. The issue of music for the organ is a vexing one to me, as there is plenty of stuff that is simply not playable (at least not to someone with limited ability, like yours truely).

I know people like Miss Rojo, and Dame Margaret, come from countries where there is a national examinations body for music that puts out a syllabus.

I going to dig up my old syllabus and type out a list of music from 4th grade to 8th grade (so, from relatively easy to challenging).

I was wondering if Miss Rojo and Margaret might help wtih this, too?

Margaret - I'm thinking of Trinity College of Music, London (it has an organ syllabus)

Rojo - the Royal Conservatory

Let me know if you'd be interested in assisting.


New member

Yes of course I will help. Just let me know what you need. I am looking at their website now.



Staff member
Hi CT64,

Here in the states we have exams conducted by the American Guild of Organists.
The requirements for each "level" are listed here
The AGO Chapter guide is here.

The AGO is a national organization in this country and is further broken down into Regions, and finally Chapters.


New member
Hi CT64,

Here in the states we have exams conducted by the American Guild of Organists.
The requirements for each "level" are listed here
The AGO Chapter guide is here.

The AGO is a national organization in this country and is further broken down into Regions, and finally Chapters.
From what i can tell, that seems to be for university level/professional musicians, so it'll be great for our more advanced organists, not so useful for our beginners.
Contratrombone wrote about 4th to 8th grades. In Australia, 8th grade is about the level expected for students completing high school (around 18) although there are obviously exceptions. 4th grade is common for students around 13-14 from my experience (Well, at least the AMEB piano gradings standards are around that, personally, i havent done exams on organ, I just learn what i want to)


New member
Well I have accessed the Trinity College website and it has the organ syllabus on there.

Of course not being an organist it is not good to me, but it is very informative.


Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Dame Margaret,

Can you put up a link here on MIMF to the Trinity College Website with the Syllabus?


CD :):):)


Admiral of Fugues
yes - no access problems there. I'm getting together several old AMEB syllabuses (sic) and will compile a listing shortly. The AMEB (in its due wisdom) doesn't provide online syllabuses for their music exams...one has to purchase the fully syllabus, expensive and inconvenient. In my student days Trinity College (where I did my LTCL) provided paperback copies of syllabuses, but they were are least divided up into species (strings, keyboard, brass, et cetera I assume this is still the case?).


New member
Hi all,

Been away on holiday so just catching up.
I'm really undecided on
a) whether to take exams and
b) which examination board to use.

Back in my Piano days I did grades 2-8 with the London College of Music, and they too have a syllabus for Pipe Organ but they introduce pedal scales from G2 whereas Trinity and Associated Board do them from G4.

Decisions decisions decisions!


New member
Jonesey, I'm not sure you should base your decision on this with the pedal scales. You might actually be quite good at them, if you just give yourself the chance.


New member
Hi Flute,

Thanks! - I'll certainly be giving them a go.
My trouble is that I don't take regular lessons, so mostly I'm teaching myself - hopefully I'll be better organised to have regular lessons, if only to get some decent instruction on the pedal side of things.


New member
Good idea. And it could be that the teacher will have a preference as to which conservatory you should take the exam from.