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    Frederik Magle


A little piece of Reubke


New member

Here is a part of Reubke sonat.


This is from a live- recording we did last night.

I have purchase a pair of nosecone to my DPA 4003, and I was curious to hear how it's sounds.



great music. The sound is very beautifull for a live recording. I like the sound, the organ and the music. I didn't know this music before.

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Hej Janne,

Tja, vad ska jag säga - imponerad var jag inte av Herr Varghs tolkning av Reubke. Kanske pga att jag har hört Torvald Torén spela den ett antal gånger i Hedvig Eleonora Kyrka i Stockholm. Dessutom har jag hört Thomas Trotter spela den i Ingolstadt Münster, Bayern. Ni är skicklig såsom ingenjör-ljudtekniker - Ingen tvekan om den saken iaf.


Corno Dolce


New member
Hej Janne,

Tja, vad ska jag säga - imponerad var jag inte av Herr Varghs tolkning av Reubke. Kanske pga att jag har hört Torvald Torén spela den ett antal gånger i Hedvig Eleonora Kyrka i Stockholm. Dessutom har jag hört Thomas Trotter spela den i Ingolstadt Münster, Bayern. Ni är skicklig såsom ingenjör-ljudtekniker - Ingen tvekan om den saken iaf.


Corno Dolce

Nå Corno Dolce!
Vad jag vet så var det väl inte målet att imponera på dej :)

Snarare en liten demonstration av hur det låter med lite tekniska ändringar av mikrofoner, noskoner osv...

Sen om själva stycket som sådan betvivlar jag att nån kan spela denna orgelteologi, jag har hört själv detta stycke med diverse organister och det är ingen njutning för örat precis.


Staff member
Durrr ... for the benefit of the rest of us who don't understand foreign languages, can we have a translation of the last three postings? :crazy:

Corno Dolce

Admiral Honkenwheezenpooferspieler
Aloha Grand Master Krummhorn,

Sorry about that - Here's what was exchanged: *Hi Janne, well, I was not too impressed with Mr. Wargh's interpretation of the Reubke. Probably because I have heard it played several times by Torvald Toren at Hedvig Eleonora Church in Stockholm.*

*I have also heard it played by Thomas Trotter at the Ingolstadt Munster in Bavaria. You are an excellent sound engineer/technician - no doubt about it.*




Janne replied: *Well Corno Dolce, as far as I know, it was not to impress you.*

*More exactly, a demonstration of what it sounds like with some technical changes of microphones, nosecones and other things.*

*In regards to the piece I highly doubt that someone can play this "organ theology", I have heard this piece countless time with different organists and its not exactly pleasant on the ear.*


CD replied *Yes, its tough on the soul and on the ear - that is very true*.





New member
Well anyway, I think that the nosecone for my DPA was a very excellent little thing, they will I use much more frequently.

I have two extra acoustics microphones on this recording, at the front of the church, facing the wall.
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New member
I'm a retired Spanish teacher. Taught for 32 years at the same jr. high in East Los Angeles. As for Swedish or Chinese, no entiendo!! And I can't say that in either of the preceeding.