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    Frederik Magle


Liszt posting


New member
What happened to that recent posting with "you tubes" of Liszt's organ works? I was going through it, now I can't find it.

Since Liszt wasn't known primarily as an organ composer, a lot of those pieces on that posting must have been transcriptions. Any idea who did them?


New member
Can't help you with the 'youtube' postings but should like to point out that although Liszt was not primarily a composer of organ music, his organ compositions are significant. In fact, they are surprisingly numerous : the Margittay Edition of his complete organ works runs into 4 volumes including not only the major works e.g. 'Ad nos ad salutarem undam' and two versions of the Prelude and Fugue on BACH but other smaller significant works.
The 'Weinen, klagen . .' variations for organ are Liszt's own version of the piano work. Liszt also did organ versions of some of his orchestral music e.g. the symphonic poem 'Orpheus', and his transcriptions for organ of some of Mozart's and Chopin's works are also included in his complete organ works.


New member
Yes, I'm aware of those works, and maybe I shouldn't have sounded like I was making him insignificant. Certainly, the B-A-C-H Fantasy and Fugue is a 'workhorse' of the repertoire. And a few of the pieces mentioned are rather lengthy - maybe competition for Franck's "Grande Piece Symphonique".

Somehow, some composers seem to get 'pigeonholed'. Anton Bruckner was a church organist, but who ever heard of any of his organ works? He seems to have been a late-bloomer, and he had an awful time making up his mind about just how he wanted some of his symphonies to be done. There were even a couple of later 'editors' who did a bunch of revisions.


Staff member
What happened to that recent posting with "you tubes" of Liszt's organ works? I was going through it, now I can't find it.

Was it in this forum area? If you have an idea of who made those postings, or the date you saw them last, I might be able to help you locate them.

Edit: Update:
Found this thread which had Cameron Carpenter playing at Trinity Church (Wall Street, NYC). Looks like the vids were removed by YouTube because of copyright infringement. I'll keep looking, though.
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New member
Mirabile dictu -- this morning (5/18) there it is again, four items below this one in the listings.

It's called Liszt: The whole schmeer on You Tube. This time I put it on my "list of favorites" in case it disappears again. It was posted by "acc", Captain of Water Music, which I always thought was written by one G. F. Handel.


I haven't decided yet. (The big thing is that when you reach 500 posts, you can actually choose your exact Commodore title.)