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    Frederik Magle


"Organ and trumpet" music with only a VPO


Hi my friends
I like music for organ and trumpet, but to compose and make the MP3 I had to use 2 softwares, to record separately the two instruments and to mix the waves. Not very fun. So, i have got the idea to build a special VPO (virtual pipe organ) which includes the trumpet, like an organ stop, on an additional manual. But is is not a trumpet stop comming from an organ but a sampled soprano saxhorn (bugle in french); the sound is softer than a trumpet.

Please, listen this short demo : Rachael's trumpet Melody

If you are interested by this VPO, called Moller 380-trp, see the thread about Moller virtual organ or visit this page on my site.


New member
Jean-Paul, this is a great idea. I also love organ and trumpet.

Have you ever used any software such as Sonar or Abbleton or some such flavour to play organ on one track and add other instruments via separate tracks, then put them all together? I know there are so many options to choose from when it comes to production software, and at least you don't have to re-invent the wheel.

I still like your idea, just wanted to offer an alternative to think about.


Hi Stephen,
i have been using multitrack sequencers for almost 25-30 years, hardware sequencers and software sequencers. The problem i wanted to solve is not what you think but the following :
- The audio output signal coming from Myorgan must be mixed with the trumpet sound coming from any other audio source (Harmony-assistant in my case).
-It is impossible to merge these two signals with an audio mixer because Myorgan audio output signal (ASIO in my case) is not good. Myorgan sound is plundered by horrible crackles produced by Windows background activity when the sequencer is running.
-BUT, MyOrgan is able to compute and write on your hard disk a perfect wavefile, with no crackles, even if we can hear these noises while the file is written.
- MY IDEA is to merge organ aand trumpet inside MyOrgan. So, the sound is not made by merging audio signals but by computing digital data.

- the result is very good :
--- no crackles at all
--- no sync delay. Midi messages for organ and trumpet arrive at the same time at the same place.

I hope you can understand my explainations if my english is not to bad.


New member
Thank you so much for clearing that up for me, Jean Paul. It makes sense now.

No matter how you make your music, it ALWAYS sounds wonderful. You should be very proud of yourself for what you have accomplished. I know I'M PROUD for you!


Sounds Great . I just installed and running Hauptwerk free program for the latest 3.2 ed. and the organ sampler number 2.. a 3 manual organ lets me use trunmpet on swell and gt. and ch. for accompany work. only problem with free edition is you get no help so have to figure it out yourself.. but so far so good . I am enjoying very much... Yesterday I finally figured out how to save my piston combinations..LOL Right now using only one keyboard but will add others and pedal unit later this year...I hope.... even with one manual it is nice for practice and changing [pistons combinations gives you the illusion of having more manuals at hand....Thanks for your aritcles and imput as reading them helps me understand how my system works.


I may have edition/version number wrong. I just downloaded it last weekcfrom their site and I do not hear a bell ringing with the organ I am using: I understand this has been a problem with earlier versions. There are free and liciense versions of this program.


I have searched a little on the web about it; It seems to be a complete free version (256 notes max polyphony) but for Mac, not for windows.


My edition is for windows.. when I went to download they gave you a choice of Windows or Mac download.That is on the Hauptwerk site. The bells ring every 3 sec if you have the evaulate the Basic or Advanced edition without a license to run it at the time for evaulate period as understand it.


New member
A free edition was recently introduced for Hauptwerk. When you download it you have the option of using the free edition or trying out the Basic or Advanced editions (and you can continue to use the free edition when the trial period of the others has expired).
It's major limitations are that polyphony is limited to 256 and the maximum sample size that it will load into ram is 1.5GB. See this table for a comparison of the features of each edition:
