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    Frederik Magle


Where to try and buy a Content organ in UK


New member
Hello, I'm investigating buying a content mondri organ in the uk - can anyone tell me what they are like and where I can go to try one? I have found all the websites to be rather out of date and the information not very helpfull.
Any advice would be lovely, thank you :)


New member
I seem to recall that Wyvern rebrands Continent imports for their low-end off-the-shelf stuff.
Hello, I'm investigating buying a content mondri organ in the uk - can anyone tell me what they are like and where I can go to try one? I have found all the websites to be rather out of date and the information not very helpfull.
Any advice would be lovely, thank you :)

you better visit the Netherlands factory if you want to test all their models.


New member
Our school is currently in the process of buying a Content Mondri from a company in Northern Ireland, AA Music. Service so far has been excellent, and prices are reasonable. We've only got the opportunity to play one Content, but the sound files and information that we got from the Netherlands are enough to base our decision to buy on... So far, Content gets my thumbs up over most of the other digital models.


New member
Hello there,

Have you visited a German link that provides a recital list of organ works performed on various models of Content organ? Here is the link:
Click on the orange button on the left called Klangbeispiele, and the playlist will appear.

Also, a British link features a different repertoire also played on Content organs: http://www.classicalorganscornwall.co.uk/music.html.

The voicing of Content seems to be the school of the North German Baroque, rather than the English Baroque heard on Rodgers', the German Romantic (which is also sometimes called "English Cathedral") heard on the Phoenix, or the Alhborn Galanti, whose Principal tone is likened to the Austrian organ (as part of the South German Baroque school), such as the Egedacher in Schlagel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53EeNwCSTM.

It seems to me that the D4000 features sounds from certain old organs of Eastern Germany. In the past, there were organs built by a Joachim Wagner, that sound like the D4000. But from D5000 on and the Mondri series, they belong to sounds which can be heard from certain Danish organs, particularly the Marcussen and Son's. But I guess the difference, apart from the stoplists, is also the characters of the mixtures and cymbels of the two lines. I think the D4000 and D5000 have completely different samples for their mixtures and cymbels.

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