• Welcome to the Pipe Organ Forum! This is a part of the open community Magle International Music Forums focused on pipe organs (also known as "church organs"), organists, organ music and related topics.

    This forum is intended to be a friendly place where technically advanced organists and beginners (or even non-organists) can feel comfortable having discussions and asking questions. We learn by reading and asking questions, and it is hoped that the beginners (or non-organists) will feel free to ask even the simplest questions, and that the more advanced organists will patiently answer these questions. On the other hand, we encourage complex, technical discussions of technique, music, organ-building, etc. The opinions and observations of a diverse group of people from around the world should prove to be interesting and stimulating to all of us.

    As pipe organ discussions can sometimes become lively, it should be pointed out that this is an open forum. Statements made here are the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of the forum itself, its administrator, or its moderators.

    In order to post a new topic - or reply to existing ones - you may join and become a member by clicking on Register New User. It's completely free and only requires a working email address (in order to confirm your registration - it will never be given away!). We strive to make this a friendly and informative forum for anyone interested in pipe organs and organ music.

    (Note: If you wish to link to and promote your own website please read this thread first.)

    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


Interesting piece of music-Handel81- organist


Staff member
Superb performance ... and delightfully sounding organ.

I gave up on practicing pieces like that years ago ... the ol' joints no longer move at that speed :lol:


New member
I believe that Handel's organ concertos have been publicshed with pedal parts only in modern times, and that they were originally composed for the organ at Covent Garden which had no pedals Is this correct?


Flute"n"Pedal: not sure about pedals.. ut do know theoriginal organ was distroyed by fire in 1808. Many of his peieces were written and performed at Convent Garden in London and he gave the organ to John Rich. This is from their web site.


New member
Hi,l luv d video,please l want some tips or material on how 2 improve my speed both in reading and playing.God bless


Staff member
Hi,l luv d video,please l want some tips or material on how 2 improve my speed both in reading and playing.God bless

Hi Tdave,

Greatest 'tip' in the world: Practice, practice, practice ... and when you are done practicing, practice some more. When I was a beginning organ student, I practiced at least 3 hours every single day, and continued that grueling schedule for over 6 years. You can read a book on how to practice until you are blue in the face, but your skills won't be honed unless you put your nose to the grindstone and physically do the keyboard workouts on a very regular basis.

Next tip is to get yourself a tutor ... especially if you are just starting out. That experience will be something to treasure for the rest of your life. I had 6 years of private piano lessons, then 6 additional years of private organ study plus 2 more years in college.