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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


dealing with impolite congregations


Staff member
Branchporter's posts reminds me of a story I read once about the late E. Power Biggs. He apparently detested long sermons so much that he suggested there should be a special piston on the organ called "Pulpit Cancel" or for the Anglican churches "Rector Ejector". :lol:

Biggs also envisioned a service that would honor the organist. The sermon would be comprised of organ music and at the end of the service the organist would be standing at door greeting parishioners while the pastor was preaching. :rolleyes:

I personally bet another organist friend that I could play "Yankee Doodle Dandee" during the prelude and nobody would notice. I won the bet, btw ... yes, I actually played that tune albeit in a "reverent" rendition.

In JS Bach's days, the prelude was always begun after the opening announcements. Unfortunately, today, everyone is watching the clock and starts screaming at the worship committee members when the service time goes beyond 60 minutes.


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
I personally bet another organist friend that I could play "Yankee Doodle Dandee" during the prelude and nobody would notice. I won the bet, btw ... yes, I actually played that tune albeit in a "reverent" rendition.

It's not the first time you say that you can play a tune like that. I wonder if you'd be able to play the Oops, I did it again fugue that became popular on youtube sometime ago??


Staff member
I'll have to look that one up, Mat.
Now I'm intrigued to learn it ... and ... try it :whistle:.


New member
I played yesterday for a Morning service and the prelude went very nicely, not too much chattering and people listening to what I was playing. Hymns all went OK, and as the final blessing was being given I got myself ready for the postlude ... ... ...

... and then it happened - the final words from the Vicar and then someone from the congregation pipes up (no pun intended) "I'd just like to say a couple of things" which ended up in him announcing his daughters had baked some cakes which started being handed round. 2 or 3 minutes had gone by now, so I just turned the organ off and packed my music away.

Shame really, it was going to be a nice piece of Bach - and then they could have talked all they liked!!!!!!


Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
I'll be waiting for the result impatiently. Let us know how it went, Lars :clap: