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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


VIA CRUCIS - 14 tunes for the path to the Cross


In the catholic Religion, the "Path to the Cross" counts 14 stations. I have decided to write a short music (60 to 120 s) for each station.
1st station has a 1/2 time signature .;. 5th is 5/4 ... 9th is 9/8 ...last one is 14/8.
You can use it for something else if you want.
Today, I present the first station.
Next stations will be posted in this topic, as soon as completed, so, please come back to this thread from time to time.
Please, enjoy, play or comment.




New member
Thank-you, Musicalis, that's the link I was waiting for. Really wonderful music that says a whole lot in a short time. I could definitely make use of such stuff during Communion.


Would make a good communion/interlude. The whole group of 14 might make a good concert selection too. Thanks again for your wonderful insite into music. Hope your health is holding its own.. new meds eveyday are on the way it seems. God Bless You.. Bill


New member
I'm really looking forward to hearing more of these. The progression of time signatures is a fascinating idea. Thanks, J-P.


VIA CRUCIS station 3

This is the 3rd of the 14 pieces composed for the Path to the Cross.
Via Crucis or "14 Brêves pour le Chemin de Croix" is a suite of short musics (less than 2 mn).
This 3rd piece has a 3/2 time signature.




Sr. Regulator
Staff member
Sr. Regulator
Excellent idea, as always, J-P. We're really lucky to have you here. Keep up the good work.


station 4

here is the 4th station of the path to the cross.
time signature is 4/4




station 5 apth to the cross

I know the sound of the video is not very good. As soon as i'll be back home, I'll post good Mp3 on my site.




Staff member
These are just absolutely wonderful, J-Paul. The registrations, the notes and time signatures ... all just perfect in every way.

Thank you for sharing these with us here. We all really appreciate it.


station IX

9th preludium of the 14 musics for the path to the cross.
Time signature : 9/8 for this 9th station.
To hear the other preludiums, please use the Via Crucis Playlist in my channel You Tube, or, better, download hi-quality MP3 from my site : http://organ.monespace.net/pages/70.php




New member
There seems to be a problem with the link to #13. Apart from that, I listened to the full set today, and what a great collection they make. Although conceived in a catholic context, I'm sure they will be invaluable to church organists of all denominations, rather like the "interludes" of Dom Gregory Murray. I think my favourite is #12, by the way!


You are right, there is a trouble with the piece n°XIII, the llink has been pasted twice.

here is a correct link : VIA CRUCIS - Station XIII

It is one the Via crucis piece I prefer. Like for the other pieces, the time-signature is the same that the station number, so this composition is in 13/8.