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    Many kind regards

    Frederik Magle


OMG My electronic organ is back!!!! O.o....


New member
Ok, so a few years ago, when i first started getting in the organ, I purchased one, then it broke so i bought another one, a little younger than my first one (which was at least 50 years old!!!)

btw, these are electronic organs.

Anyway, I my second organ, after a few years i lost interesed (got into the Oboe) and got rid of it.

Ok, so now, a few years later..

We're looking for a piano, ok? So we put an ad in the paper and a guys calls us from a Mexican Restruant (I was at school this whole time so I'm just going to what my mom said) and says "I Think it's a piano, but it has knobs...." He's a funny Mexican guy so his accent was kinda funny

Ok, so when Mom picks me up from school, tells me the story, and we go to where he lives. When we get out (it was on his porch)....


THE SAME DARN THING. I rememebr the pedals chipped, so we put gorilla glue on it. THERE WAS GORILLA GLUE DOWN THERE. And it had a certain kind of smell.... a sweet one. IT SMELLED SWEET. And the keys where yellowed and smudsed, THEY WERE THIS TIME. The legs where wabbly, well, these guys reinforced that, but still!!!!!!
IT WAS SO FREAKY. I mean, heck yeah i wanted it back, so he gave it to us... for FREEEE!!! He said "I won't want you to pay for it again!!"

We could not stop laughing!!!! IT WAS SO WEIRD.

Well, it's back in my room! It's kinda crowded in there now, with my drafting table, my bed, my dresser, shavles and NOW the organ!! And remmeber people, this was the same EXACT thing what i had a few years ago!!

And to make matters even MORE freaky, this beast has been moved mucho times, so it's kinda ragged and aged. But it still plays well!
But back to the point. THIS IS THE FIRST LOWERY 4-Channel organ!! If you don't know what I'm talking about, this is it when it was BRAND NEW: [link]

I SWEAR TO GODDNESS THAT"S MY ORGAN. Of course, it's aged and there a few chips here and there, and the side material protecting the Leslie is all ripped and tapped up (and it was the same tape we put on it when we went to go see it a few days ago), and a few wodden decorations are gone, but thankfully all the stops still work well!

My mom said that she thought i was the best ower for it (built in 1979, and has been in the hands from people around the world), since i played it like a pro. But i don't nessecarliy belived her-- who knows!! Maybe it's been in the hands of a now-great organist. I dunno, but it sure wants ME to own it if it came to me twice. o_O

What goes around comes around, i guess! xP

I just thought that was quite a coincedence :)


New member
Wow Silver

That was quite a coincidence, it was meant to be yours. It was good of the man to let you have it for free. I hope you have many happy years playing it.



New member
Yup, that's what we thought!! It's so weird!! It's in my room right now and i think i play it more than i practice at church! o_O Oh well, new practice organ if it's raining or my parents are at work, wwhen i can't go to the pipe organ :) Thanks for the comment!! :DD


New member
tittualex-- I'll get one sometime!! I've been asked many times :D It's basicly all in one piece in the pic i posted, but it'sd gotten old xD And it's not as pretty ;D

Contra-- I know, right?! XPPPPP!!!!